
Online tool offers mental health self-assessment

  • Published
  • By 42nd Medical Group
A new online tool offers military servicemembers and their families free, anonymous mental health self-assessments.

"Military Pathways" is an online screening tool that allows servicemembers and their families to assess their mental well-being anonymously and to identify symptoms linked with mental health disorders before they becomes serious.

This program, funded by the Department of Defense, is available 24 hours a day. It includes free, anonymous self-assessments for depression, alcohol problems, bipolar disorder, generalized anxiety disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder.

In addition to detecting potential risk and the need for further evaluation, the tool offers advanced options that provide specific resources and enhanced learning materials.

According to clinic officials, failure to recognize depression and other mental health issues can have devastating consequences which underscores the importance of detecting these disorders early.

For more information, go to or call 1-877-877-3647.