
554th member enhances commander financial system

  • Published
  • By Tim Nixon
  • 554th Electronic Systems Group
An enlisted member of the 554th Electronic Systems Group Finance team at Maxwell- Gunter Air Force Base, Ala., has developed a capability that helps commanders more effectively manage their resources and expenditures. 

Tech. Sgt. Benjamin Cella, when stationed at Tinker AFB, Okla., could see that his commander didn't have real-time insight into his status of funds. 

"Normally commanders have to wait for monthly or quarterly status of funds briefings to be informed on their expenditures and remaining funds, severely limiting the commander's ability and making it difficult to maximize the organization's financial resources effectiveness," Sergeant Cella said. 

"Using the Commanders' Resource Integration System in conjunction with Microsoft Access, Excel and PowerPoint, I was able to build seamless links that updated the information on the commander's desktop in less than five minutes." 

As word of this capability spread across the Air Force, requests for Sergeant Cella's assistance began to rise, bringing his skills to commanders with the B-2 program at Whiteman AFB, Missouri, and at Cannon AFB, N.M., where his efforts helped base leaders consolidate financial data from Air Combat Command and Air Force Special Operations Command into a single, unified database. Sergeant Cella also worked with the Air Force's Resource Management Branch at the Pentagon, training people on the skills needed to provide commanders and directors with real-time financial information. 

By harnessing this capability, the financial management process at the directorate level flipped from reactive to proactive.