
Teens complete Cadet Officer School at Maxwell

  • Published
  • Civil Air Patrol
While most high school students are taking a summer break, 119 Civil Air Patrol Cadets from across America decided to challenge their academic and physical skills at Maxwell. This youth development program teaches CAP's top one percent, ages 16 to 20, important skills in leadership, character, airpower heritage, communications and strategic thinking. 

Students received a number of high-level briefings, lectures, team-building exercises, and seminar discussions throughout their 10-day journey, which ended Thursday. 

Keynote speakers included Brig. Gen. Teresa Djuric who challenged the cadets to develop a personal leadership philosophy as she shared her leadership experiences as an Air Force general officer. 

General Djuric is the commander of the Jeanne M. Holm Center for Officer Accessions and Citizen Development at Maxwell. The Holm Center produces more than 70 percent of the Air Force's line officers, chaplains, judge advocates and medical officers. 

Dr. Hank Dasinger spoke about the foundations and psychology of leadership. Dr. Dasinger currently serves as the educational advisor at the Barnes Center, the center for all enlisted professional military education and the Community College of the Air Force. 

Dr. Tom Hughes discussed with the cadets the evolution of air power. Dr. Hughes is a professor at the School of Advanced Aerospace Studies at Maxwell, and his book on air power was on the Air Force Chief of Staff's desired reading list. 

Col. (ret.) John Warden actively encouraged the cadets to think strategically. Mr. Warden is credited by Gen. (ret.) Norman Schwarzkopf and former Secretary of State Colin Powell as the architect of the Desert Storm Air Campaign. 

Col. (ret.) Rick McDow shared with the cadets his deeply moving POW experience in Vietnam, along with the character and leadership principles that helped him succeed. 

Col. John R. Carter Jr. taught the cadets how to speak effectively. Colonel Carter is the vice commandant of the Air War College. 

Dr. Tony Gould challenged the students to think critically. Dr. Gould is a military research analysis and member of the Air Force Research Institute's Future Learning Task Force. 

Col. Steven Griswold helped the cadets to understand the importance of military writing. Colonel Griswold is the director of staff at the Spaatz Center for Officer Education. 

The Cadet Officer School students also developed through physically challenging team-building exercises through Squadron Officer College's "Project X" and a nightly volleyball competition. 

Speaking at the Cadet Officer School graduation was Maj. Gen. Amy Courter, CAP's national commander. General Courter encouraged the cadets to keep striving for excellence and to continue serving America as leaders. 

Article courtesy of Civil Air Patrol