
2009 Senior Enlisted Leader Summit held at Gunter

  • Published
  • By Carl Bergquist
  • Air University Public Affairs
On Tuesday, the Vice Chief of Staff of the Air Force Gen. William M. Fraser III addressed the third annual Senior Enlisted Leader Summit, or SELS, being held this week at Gunter's Senior NCO Academy.

In offering advice to the group, the Vice Chief of Staff said all Airmen should know and support the Air Force priorities and live by the Air Force Core Values of "Integrity First, Service Before Self and Excellence in All We Do."

The Core Values, in addition to their moral significance, serve a practical purpose, he said. 

"Living by the Core Values will help you in the heat of battle," said General Fraser. "It is important all Airmen not just know our Core Values, but live by them."

In reference to the Air Force priorities, he said the nation values the Air Force's day-to-day accomplishment of the nuclear mission and its importance to our national security. He also said there is no question the Air Force is in the fight, making a tremendous contribution and supporting the Joint team.

"Our Airmen are our most important asset, and it is our responsibility to take care of their needs while continuing to modernize the force," the general added.

He said senior leaders must pay attention to details and help grow the future leaders of the Air Force.

"You've got to mentor your Airmen; get out in front and train your replacement," he said. "We must keep our promises. I was raised that your word is your bond, and I think it is very important that all of us keep our promises to the Air Force, our families and our foreign and coalition partners. I'm proud I'm in the Air Force because the Air Force offers many opportunities to make a difference and to contribute to the fight."

General Fraser also noted his appreciation with seeing a Total Force audience.

"The greatest Air Force in the world can't get the job done without the Total Force. I sincerely mean that," he said.

With the enlisted corps comprising 80 percent of the Air Force, enlisted senior leaders play a key role in ensuring mission accomplishment everyday.

The SELS was designed to bring enlisted leaders together to provide them with the latest updates on Air Force programs and messages. Speakers from across the Air Force addressed issues affecting the service and enlisted corps and sought feedback from the attendees.

"To lead 80 percent of the Air Force as effectively as possible, you have to have leadership on the same page," said Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force Rodney McKinley. "SELS is an opportunity to come to one central location and to get the updated messages from key Air Force leaders."

The summit also gave enlisted leaders a chance to share ideas.

"I know they will leave here inspired and excited about the future and will also leave here full of knowledge about what the Air Force is doing," he said.

Chief McKinley said the summit was originally a conference that included only Air Force command chiefs, but when he became CMSAF, he felt it beneficial to include other senior enlisted leaders, such as career field managers and commandants.

He said bringing foreign enlisted personnel to SELS has also benefited the program because it acquaints Airmen and international enlisted members with each others' experiences and points of view.

In his closing remarks, General Fraser commented directly on Chief McKinley's positive impacts on the enlisted force and the Air Force overall.

"It is an honor and a privilege to be here and to serve with Chief McKinley. What a great leader," he told the audience. "The difference he has made since becoming CMSAF is tremendous. He has moved the bar way up, moved the ball down the field and made a lasting difference for your Air Force."