
QEP results from SACS pleases AU officials

  • Published
  • By Carl Bergquist
  • Air University Public Affairs
Results of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools assessment of Air University's Quality Enhancement Plan, titled "Cross-Culture Competent Airmen," are in, and university officials are happy.

"The result of the Quality Enhancement Plan review was great news for Air University," said Lt. Gen. Allen G. Peck, Air University commander. "Our people have worked really hard to accomplish this, and the QEP will no doubt prove to be a great asset for achieving cultural competence for all our Airmen."

Dr. Brian Selmeski, who also serves as chair of the Air Force Culture and Language Center's Department of Cross-Culture Competence and is the QEP director, said he wanted to let the students of Air University know how well the QEP was received and hoped they would take the results back to "the big Air Force" when they leave Maxwell-Gunter.

"We want to tell the base community that the committee came in and looked at our QEP and said it walked on water," he said. "At the end of the day, the committee used words like 'pioneering, visionary and a powerful set of tools' to describe the Air University QEP."

Dr. Selmeski added the review committee saw the QEP as preparing the Air Force for the long run. "That is, preparing Airmen for a career of working in culturally complex environments and systematically building cultural competence across the Air Force as members return to Air University during their careers."

Dr. Dorothy Reed, Air University chief of Academic Affairs, said the SACS committee offered only one recommendation, and that was for Air University to provide a time-line for the assessment of the QEP.

"This was a very helpful recommendation because it reminds us to follow all assessment requirements so we are ready for the committee's next visit," she said.

Dr. Reed said Dr. Michael Colegrove, SACS committee chair, said he had conducted many reviews in the past, and this was the first time that not a single compliance issue came up during the review. She also said Air University Board of Visitors members were "extremely impressed" that the QEP received this response from SACS.

The committee that reviewed the Air University Quality Enhancement Plan said in their report the QEP program "washes across the entire curriculum," and that "culture is woven into the very essence" of the Air Force.

"The topic of Cross-Cultural Competent Airmen addresses a key area for Air University, the Air Force and the Department of Defense," the report said. "An understanding of culture is often essential to mission accomplishment." 

The report went on to say the QEP's central purpose is to support the global mission of the Air Force by preparing students to work effectively in culturally complex environments. 

Committee members said they knew of no other U.S. higher education institution, military or otherwise, that has embarked on a plan of this magnitude and, "we commend Air University for its visionary QEP."

Dr. Selmeski said he believes SACS members recognized the Air Force dedicates a great deal of time to on-going education, and that has the potential to transform the service.

"This is Air Force education setting the tone and charting the future," he said. "And, it is happening right here in central Alabama. We are building a reputation as pioneers in the field." 

The committee's report concluded the QEP had the potential to be transformative.

Dr. Reed said this was an opportunity for all of Air University to participate in something that is considered "truly transformative," and everyone should be proud to have this opportunity.

"The Community College of the Air Force has a course in cultural competence, and both SOC and AFOATS will participate in the initial effort. In the out years (years three and four of the five-year effort), Air War College, Air Command and Staff College, and the Senior Non-commissioned Officer Academy will participate. The program will run the gamut of Air University," she said. "It will take the cooperation of everyone to make it completely successful." 

"This QEP can potentially serve as a model for cross-cultural competence development beyond Air University," The report said. "We again applaud Air University for its visionary QEP and wish it well in this important endeavor."

For more information on the Air University QEP, log on to the AFCLC Web site at