First-term Airmen broaden skills in Dominican Republic
Senior Airman Carmen G. Stewart, a public health technician from the 42nd Medical Group at Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala., puts on her new rank during her promotion ceremony in the Dominican Republic April 25, during the largest Maxwell Air Force Base-planned U.S. Air Force Medical Readiness Training Exercise (MEDRETE) to date. A group of 45 medics, translators, security and support personnel derived from the U.S. Air Force, Army and Marines provided dental, dermatologic, general medicine, optometric, pediatric, pharmacy and public health services. The medics treated 7,700 patients during the first three days of the U.S. SOUTHCOM sponsored Beyond the Horizon 2009 – Caribbean. A MEDRETE is a U. S. Southern command-sponsored exercise designed to provide humanitarian assistance and free medical care to the people of the host nation, while providing an unparalleled training opportunity for U.S. and host nation forces. SOUTHCOM sponsors approximately 70 MEDRETEs per year. (U.S. Air Force Photo by Capt. Ben Sakrisson, Air University Public Affairs)