
42nd MDG shatters AFAF donation goal

  • Published
  • By Joy Ovington
  • Air University Public Affairs
The way the 42nd Medical Group sees it, if you're going to raise a lot of money for the Air Force Assistance Fund during tight economic times you may as well have lots of fun doing it.

According to Lt. Col. Andrew Meadows, commander of the 42nd Aeromedical Dental Squadron, the most effective way to raise money for the installation's AFAF drive has been to "tap into that unit pride and a little friendly competition between the units."

Their innovative fundraising idea is that the commander and superintendant at the 42nd MDG who collects the lowest percentage of AFAF donations according to goal would have to camp out on the grass behind the medical group for a night in May.

"And of course the other commanders and superintendants would make their lives miserable," Colonel Meadows joked.

It began modestly as an inter-squadron competition and turned into a MDG goal, according to Lt. Col. Christopher Phillips, 42nd Medical Support Squadron commander. "I've never seen anything like it in my 15 plus years."

What started out as a "keep your commander from having to camp out" campaign quickly put all three squadrons of the MDG above their 100 percent goal in the first week.

To date 320 percent of the MDG's goal has been reached.

Colonel Meadows said that now it has turned into a big celebration of their successes. All the rank and file in the MDG are now encouraged to "have a little fun at the leadership's expense." He also said the campout may now also include a cookout.

Generating unprecedented interest were bake sales that netted over $900, a pie in the face competition, and a candle sale at the Base Exchange. They also held nacho and popcorn sales and a sausage and hot dog burn.

Plans are in the works to continue to raise AFAF donations till the last day of Maxwell-Gunter's campaign.

"Most of the things that we've done have been kind of traditional with the exception of a lots of the competition," said Colonel Meadows. "That really was the spark that turned into the raging fire."

Colonel Phillips credits Senior Master Sgt. Tom Stiles for having the creativity and enthusiasm to come up with the campout competition idea.

Tech. Sgt. Tonjia Drawbond and Tech. Sgt. Tammy Robinson have worked hard to ensure the people of the MDG were reached out to and educated on what the AFAF can do for them, as well as including them in the fundraising events.

Face time is vital, according to Sergeant Robinson. "Many people here are so engulfed in patient care that many times they don't even get time to stop during the course of their duty day to see our fun emails and know about our fun push for the cause," she said.

Having been the beneficiary of the AFAF's assistance when her mother passed away suddenly, Sergeant Robinson bears witness to how the AFAF provides back-up when life gets tough.

The AFAF motto of "Taking Care of Our Own" is felt strongly by Col. Diana Atwell, MDG commander. "I have been so pleased and impressed with the quality of the MDG officer/NCO leadership. They continually exceed all expectations with their dedication and caring."