
Maxwell launches revamped public Web site

  • Published
  • By Staff Sgt. Jason Lake
  • Air University Public Affairs
Visitors to will notice something different when visiting the Web site in the coming days - a complete site makeover.

The redesign of the Maxwell home page is part of an Air Force-wide effort to restructure installation Web sites through the Air Force Public Web program, which began site realignments in 2005.

"Air Force Public Web was designed to give every installation Web site a consistent look while improving server security," said 1st Lt. Brad Kimberly, Air University Public Affairs internal information chief and site manager for the new site. "In Maxwell's case, it will also streamline our ability to communicate the Air University and 42nd Air Base Wing missions to the general public."

Visitors to the new site will immediately see features not available on the old home page.

"On the old site, there was no obvious link to find news about the base, and updates were sporadic," the lieutenant said. "On the new site, every news story is posted directly on the home page - usually before the story is published in the base newspaper. Also, we've added headlines for the newest news stories from Air Education and Training Command and Air Force Link."

Other features added to the site include an RSS feed, a single quick-reference phone list, links to local schools and a PDF-formatted newcomers guide.

"We want the new site to be a one-stop shop for anyone looking for information about the installation," Lieutenant Kimberly said. "If you're a member of the media, you can find high-resolution photos and articles at the new site. If you're a retiree, you can easily find information about the Retiree Activities Office. If you're seeking a job at Maxwell, you can click a single link to find an accurate list of available jobs. It's a huge resource for anyone wanting to know more about Maxwell Air Force Base."

Although the Maxwell site is changing, the Air University site at has a specific educational focus and will not move to the new site. It houses Web pages for each center and school on base. Those units will continue providing their information at the AU site, and the new Maxwell site will maintain direct links to each center and school on the "units" pages.

As the Maxwell site matures, more content will become available online, Lieutenant Kimberly said.

"We've are very focused on launching the site, and we are working on several projects to help it grow once it comes online."

The new Web site will be available at The Air University site is available at