
Combined Federal Campaign past halfway point

  • Published
  • By Carl Bergquist
  • Air University Public Affairs
With more than little more than three weeks to go in the Maxwell-Gunter Combined Federal Campaign, the base has reached 81 percent of its $553,935 goal and 66 percent of its share of the Heart of Alabama Campaign goal of $840,000, said the campaign installation project officer.

"We are very pleased with where the campaign is at this point, but we really want to encourage everyone to keep on giving," said Maj. Janet Brumley of the 42nd Medical Group. "The campaign is about where it was this time last year, so if you haven't had a chance to give, please think about doing so."

She said some base organizations are planning CFC fundraisers, and those are a great opportunity to make donations. The major said she knows time is tight right now, but it is "awesome" that Maxwell-Gunter members have been able to take time to give.

However, she certainly wants the base to reach the 100-percent mark on both goals, and hopefully exceed 100 percent, as the base has done so many times in the past.

"This is such a worthy cause," Major Brumley said. "The money collected does so much good for the community, and this is a chance for those of us at Maxwell-Gunter to help CFC do its job and help those who need a hand up."

For more information, contact unit CFC representatives or call Major Brumley at 953-9579. The CFC Web site at also provides information about CFC and the current campaign.