Air University students receive SecAF Leadership Awards
Acting Undersecretary of the Air Force Lisa Disbrow, center, presented the Secretary of the Air Force Leadership Award to two current and two former Air University students during a ceremony at Air War College, May 5, 2015. Receiving the awards were (left to right) Col. Wayne Straw, current AWC student; Marine Corps Master Sgt. Joseph Banas, former Air Force Senior Noncommissioned Officer Academy student (Master Sgt. Jennifer Johnson from the Academy accepted the award on his behalf); Maj. Avery Schutt, current student at Air Command and Staff College; and Capt. Roni Yadlin, former Squadron Officer School student (Lt. Col. Joseph Laws, commander 427th Reconnaissance Squadron, Beale Air Force Base, Calif., accepted the award on her behalf). The annual award recognizes exceptional performance by a student attending one of Air University’s professional military education schools. (U.S. Air Force photo by Bud Hancock/cleared)