
Top 3 offers speed mentoring at quarterly forum

  • Published
  • By Airman 1st Class Alexa Culbert
  • 42nd Air Base Wing Public Affairs
The Maxwell-Gunter Top 3 Council chose a new format for their quarterly meetings by opting for speed mentoring over the usual forum at Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama, April 2, 2015. 

Speed mentoring is similar to speed dating in that there is limited time for discussion between two people.  The concept was used so every attendee would get a chance to have one-on-one mentoring and discussions with various chief master sergeants.

Eight chiefs attended the meeting and gave advice on issues involving changes in the Air Force and offered new perspectives to the seven senior noncommissioned officers who attended.

"They can get a lot of different people's point of views in a short amount of time and then take away what they want from those," said Senior Master Sgt. Billie Simonson, Maxwell-Gunter Top 3 Council president.

The nontraditional format allowed for a personal discussion that focused entirely on the mentee's needs, while also letting the usually quiet attendees a chance to say what's on their minds. 

"I enjoyed it, because you can talk to more people," said Master Sgt. Susan Glover, Air University Headquarter project integration manager. "For those who are shy and want to ask a question but don't, they can talk to chiefs face to face without outside interference, and everyone's questions get answered."

Speed mentoring allows for everyone's concerns to be addressed and avoids the same topics being discussed repeatedly, while offering senior NCOs a place to find support and feedback from their peers.

"There is a lot of merit in this program, and I encourage more senior NCOs to take part in it, because there is a lot of great information available in a short period of time," said Chief Master Sgt. Ben Caro, Senior NCO Academy commandment.

"Everyone needs mentoring and different point of views," said Simonson.  "Hopefully, they'll take away a different perspective or piece of information they can grab hold of and use for their day-to-day life and at work."