
Time for additional unlimited check-out lane at Maxwell commissary

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The self-checkout option at the Maxwell Commissary is a good one.  However, there seem to be at least two problems that need to be addressed.  The scanning equipment on the "unlimited number of items" lane seems to be inoperative much or most of the time.  The last four times my wife and I have visited the commissary, that lane has been closed. 

Perhaps it's time for additional "unlimited" lanes to be added.  They represent a savings to customers with the initiative to "do it yourself" at a time when commissary subsidies are under fire and savings from shopping in the commissary will inevitably decrease.  The demand for the one "unlimited" self-checkout lane is considerable.  We have never had the opportunity to walk up to the "unlimited" lane and use it without having to wait in line.  That waiting time can become excessive when one is behind several other customers. The space needed for additional lanes is available.

RESPONSE:  We apologize for any inconveniences our commissary customers experience due to inoperative self-checkouts.   Because there are a number of technical reasons that can render any of the self-checkouts inoperative, we hope the customer will contact us directly to discuss this issue in greater detail so we can appropriately troubleshoot the problem.   Your suggestion about an additional unlimited self-checkout line was a great idea and the commissary converted one of its checkout lanes to a second unlimited self-checkout on February 19.  The commissary manager is always open to customer suggestions, and each suggestion will be considered as part of our continuous improvement process.  To contact the manager, Ms. Ermies Hernandez, please email