
Maxwell Engineers tear down the last bricks of Building 742

  • Published
  • By Master Sgt. Michael Voss
  • 42nd Air Base Wing Public Affairs
A demolition crew has been moving backhoes, trackhoes and large-capacity dump trucks around the building on Maxwell that was once known as the Maxwell Enlisted Club and later as the Maxwell Events Center, Building 742.

But seeing this demolition of the old MEC has left some Facebook followers and Maxwell faithful wondering why? Why tear down the building versus finding another use for it?

Here's what you need to know.

1. When Wing leadership decides to demolish a base building the Wing does receive credit to the much highlighted "Air Force 20/20 by 2020" initiative, which aims to offset 20 percent reduction in funds available for installation support by reducing owned, leased and Air Force-led joint base real property and associated operating costs by 20 percent by the year 2020. However, contrary to public opinion, that credit doesn't drive the decision to tear the structure down. In Building 742's case, according to Michael Allen, director of the 42nd Civil Engineer Squadron, "the MEC building was old, not energy friendly and needed significant renovation in order to continue being used."

2. Before making the decision to demolish a base building the CES does look for other uses for the structure. "When the enlisted club moved from Building 742, we tried to use the building as an events center; we also had a couple contractors in there like the restaurant and barber shop. But, after those contractors decided to move, we had to make the tough decision. These buildings are costly to maintain or renovate," said Allen. 

3. Regardless of the 20/20 plan, bases have limited operations budget and Maxwell is not alone in seeing old buildings that have served their purpose be demolished. "We only make the decision to demo a building as a last resort, after we have examined other uses, the cost of renovating the facility and what other uses are available for the space," Allen said.