
AWC professor from Japan finds the American dream at Maxwell

  • Published
  • By Airman 1st Class Alexa Culbert
  • 42d Air Base Wing Public Affairs
His small office is stacked high with books. A shelf spans the length of the wall and is filled with books of all kinds. In the midst of all the clutter is Dr. Nori Katagiri, his face illuminated by the bluish light coming from his computer screen. When he speaks, his friendliness and intelligence is apparent, but his heritage also shines through. His English is clear and well-practiced, but his accent coats his words. Unlike most of the other professors at Air University's Air War College here, Katagiri, an international security studies assitant professor, grew up a little differently than the average American.

Katagiri was born and raised in Japan before leaving everything he knew for the American dream in 1996.

"I went to a very typical competitive boy's school in Tokyo where most of my friends had the same aspirations in life," he said.

While most of his peers were striving toward acceptance to a well-respected university and onward to a job in the private sector, Katagiri had other plans for his future.

"Everyone had a very similar direction and attitudes about life. I was one of few who wanted to be different," he said. "I played basketball with my American friends and watched American television shows. Most of my [Japanese] friends just weren't interested in stuff like that."

When Katagiri was 18 years old, he put his plans into action and left his family and life in Japan for the United States to further his education.

"My family discouraged me initially, but I was adamant," said Katagiri. "My parents were very kind and understanding enough to let me go. I am very thankful of their support."

He then set off on a journey that would take him more than 6,000 miles from his home to the East Coast of the United States. Once in the states, he soon discovered that the true American lifestyle is not always correctly portrayed in American television.

"I was watching a lot of Beverly Hills 90210, so I was expecting rich kids driving nice cars in California with palm trees, but I first ended up in Buffalo, New York, where none of those things exist," said Katagiri.

While that view of the U.S. didn't live up to his expectation, he didn't have any trouble adjusting to the American culture.

"I didn't go through culture shock; this was something I had been dreaming about in Japan," he said. "This is what I wanted to do."

While attending graduate school at Columbia University in New York, a professor became his role model and inspired him to pursue a future in international security and U.S. foreign policy, and he enrolled into a doctoral program at the University of Pennsylvania.

While finishing up his doctorate, he was expecting to find work within a civilian company, but was taken aback when AWC contacted him.

Though he planned on pursuing a different career path, Katagiri has interacted with military and civilian students and staff every day at AWC since July 2010.

He teaches National Security Decision Making, Global Security, Southeast Asia, and Asian Century, an elective class focusing on the relationship with Asian countries and how they evolve over time.

"It's a real advantage to have people from different cultural backgrounds teaching in AWC, because part of the purpose of the school is to expose the students to different perspectives," said Christopher Hemmer, AWC department chair for international security studies. "I think it brings a lot to the classroom." 

Katagiri utilizes his knowledge and familiarity of the Asian culture and customs in the way he educates his students. His cultural background also gives the other professors an opportunity to learn, he said.

"He leads our efforts on the entire block we do on Asia. Every year there is a chance to learn more from him," said Hemmer. "He's been a great addition to the faculty."

"I felt very comfortable and welcomed by the people here," said Katagiri. "I was happy to be here, and I still am."

Before he knew of AWC or how his life would intertwine with it 19 years ago, Katagiri uprooted his life and followed his dreams to the U.S.  He was seeking a higher education and opportunities to make friends outside of japan.

"The U.S. has more equal opportunities and a sense of tolerance. You can be given a second chance to do it better than the first time," said Katagiri. "I'm more comfortable in this environment, because I do make mistakes."

It's a very rewarding experience to be a civilian and foreigner at the same time. I have learned so much," he said.