
AF announces 2017 support squadron commander candidates

  • Published
  • By Kat Bailey
  • Air Force Personnel Center Public Affairs
Air Force officials have selected 921 officers from more than 20 career fields as the 2017 support, logistics and materiel leader commander candidates.

“This is a highly competitive selection process,” said Sophia Barnard, of the Air Force Personnel Center special duty assignments branch. “Selected candidates have demonstrated traits essential for leading Airmen toward day-to-day operational success.”

The development teams reviewed all aspects of the candidates’ records, duty histories, demonstrated leadership abilities, professional development and permanent change of station eligibility to identify the most qualified for command.

Wing hiring officials, major command functional managers and AFPC assignment teams will use the candidate list to fill projected 2017 squadron commander vacancies, with those selection results planned for a December release.

“Not all officers on the candidate lists will get command assignments,” Barnard said. “The development teams typically select more qualified officers than there are projected vacancies to account for any unexpected events during the year.”

Candidates will remain on the list if not selected for command until the list is superseded by the following year’s results, unless they are removed for one of a variety of reasons such as selection for another assignment opportunity.

Candidate lists have posted to myPers. To view the list, select “Active Duty Officer” from the dropdown menu and search “Consolidated Squadron.”

For more information about Air Force personnel programs, go to the myPers website. Individuals who do not have a myPers account can request one by following the instructions on the Air Force Retirees Services website.