
82 ATRS maintains crucial role in readiness

  • Published
  • By Senior Airman Zachary Nordheim
  • 325th Fighter Wing Public Affairs

Hosting large-scale exercises at Tyndall Air Force Base, Florida, such as Checkered Flag and the Weapon System Evaluation Program-East, take teams of dedicated members to ensure efficient training is had. One necessary partner in making that happen is the 82nd Aerial Targets Squadron.

The 82nd ATRS provides mission-essential support in the launch and recovery of full-scale and subscale targets in support of weapons, evaluations, development and testing. This squadron is a mix of highly experienced contract and civilian personnel as well as active-duty Air Force personnel making for a magnitude of expertise.

“What makes us unique is that we are the Department of Defense’s only aerial target squadron,” said Lt. Col. Dennis Simerly, 82nd ATRS commander. “We produce, present and recover full scale and subscale aerial targets for missile testing and training.”

The specialized expertise of the unit enables exercises such as Checkered Flag and WSEP-East to come to a full fruition. With their support, local and international units are capable of operational evaluations and developmental tests, further improving current and future systems and pilots.

“Anytime we are conducting live fire missile shots or munition releases over the Gulf, the E-9’s will scan the Gulf Coast Range Complex with our sea surveillance radar,” said Lt. Col. Christopher Yost, 82nd ATRS E-9A director of operations. “This information is monitored and fed to the mission control center to ensure that the areas we are going to utilize are clear and to keep boating traffic safe.”

There are only two E-9A Widget aircraft in the entire Department of Defense, and both are assigned to the 82nd ATRS. The E-9A is a twin turboprop that provides critical support for sea surveillance and relied on by many programs to get a zone for live-fire missions. Operators on this aircraft support air-to-air weapons system evaluation, development and operational testing during exercises.

“Even though we’re a tenant unit here at Tyndall, we’ve been here a very long time,” said Simerly. “During these large-scale exercises like Checkered Flag and WSEP one of our main roles is providing red air support, equipped with jamming pods to give members involved an example of what they could see in a contested environment.”

To further enhance training realism during exercises, the 82nd ATRS supplies target practice with the QF-16 Full-Scale Aerial Target and BQM-167A Subscale Aerial Target. These remote-operated aircraft provide threat-representative presentations for developmental and operational test and evaluation for aircraft weapon systems. Additionally, specialized pods attached to the airframes can provide telemetry gathering for data on missile performances for future refinements or advancements.

“When the mission includes downing an aerial target, the Widget can provide immediate airborne support,” said Yost. “We assist our [aerial target] recovery team by helping pinpoint the location of downed target assets and facilitate an expeditious recovery of downed aerial targets.”

In conjunction with the E-9 section, the 82nd ATRS watercraft section manages three Missile Retriever boats in charge of patrolling the water. The unique nature of this mission has crews spending up to 12 hours on the 120-foot vessels, sometimes retrieving subscale targets nearly 250 nautical miles away if needed.

These vessels are equipped with cranes and trained divers specialized in locating and recovering the targets. Retrieving aerial targets ensures the safety of civilian vessels and saves taxpayer dollars. The unit is also charged with ensuring aerial targets can launch safely down the launch corridor, located around Crooked Island Sound.

With over 50 years of experience, the 82nd ATRS provides integral support for the training and development of fighter pilots and live-fire munitions. The close proximity to the Gulf Range Complex allows units of all proportions not only the space to train in large-scale exercise scenarios, but also the tools and opportunity to train in realistic scenarios to ensure readiness in support of worldwide operations.