

Air University & Maxwell AFB News

  • Air University student receives aerial combat medal

    Maj. Ryan Mittelstet, Air Command and Staff College student was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross during the 2017 Gathering of Eagles event by Retired Maj. Gen. Gregory A. Feest, a GOE honoree. The Distinguished Flying Cross is awarded to individuals who have performed acts of heroism or who

  • New AU eSchool transforms officer distance learning PME

    As a direct result of a massive 10-year transformational effort to revitalize officer professional military education distance learning programs, Air University formally stood up the eSchool of Graduate PME here on June 1, 2017.

  • Air University cyber team places in Geneva competition

       A team of Air University cyber students placed second in the European leg of the 2017 “Cyber 9/12 Student Challenge” competition co-hosted by the Geneva Centre for Security Policy and the Atlantic Council. Team “Keep Calm and Cyber On” was pitted against 23 teams from Europe, Asia and North

  • AU inducts 26 alumni to International Honor Roll

    Air University recognized the achievements of 26 alumni with their induction into the International Honor Roll here, April 7, 2017.The International Honor Roll program recognizes international alumni that have achieved a high position of leadership within their own countries as an Air Chief

  • Air University students and faculty support Auburn AFROTC career day

    Students and faculty from ACSC traveled to Auburn University’s AFROTC detachment to participate in the detachment’s career day. After talking with cadets about career opportunities in the Air Force, the Gathering of Eagles Foundation presented the detachment with a lithograph of previous Eagles who

  • Air University staff, students earn German Armed Forces Proficiency Badge

    Groans, cries of physical exertion and shouts of encouragement in both English and German echoed off of the walls of the base gym, sweat pouring over the faces of service members. The sufferers were Army, Navy, and Air Force students from Air Command and Staff College this spring as they agonized

  • Gathering of Eagles inspires future generation of leaders

    The Air Command and Staff College welcomed aviation legends to inspire students through their experiences and triumphs during the 35th annual Gathering of Eagles event, May 29 –June 3, 2016, Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama.The Gathering of Eagles was first established when retired Brig. Gen. Paul

  • Air University students win big at national cyber policy competition

    Two teams of Air Command and Staff college students took top honors at the Atlantic Council Cyber 9/12 Student Challenge in Washington, D.C., March 11-12.The annual event is an interactive learning experience and competition that puts students in a mock National Security Council environment to