

Air University & Maxwell AFB News

  • SOS 'blends' training model incorporating new technology

    Academic and military researchers are introducing and proposing new approaches on leadership and teamwork training at the Squadron Officer School at Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala. Air Education and Training Command, the sponsor organization, partnered with the University of Texas at Austin to conduct

  • IOs from SOS get a look at American justice

    During a breakfast at the Maxwell Officer's Club March 9, the American judicial system was the topic, and a six-member panel familiarized international officers from Squadron Officer School with how the justice system works in the United States. The panel, consisting of Judge Wallace Capel, U.S.

  • New SOS correspondence course hits the street

    The distance learning version of Squadron Officer School has changed. The first major revision of the SOS DL program in more than seven years, the new course recognizes the changes that have taken place in the Air Force and in the field of leadership, as well as advances in online curriculum

  • Leadership, teamwork focus of SOS training program

    As students at Air University's Squadron Officer School, captains from across the Air Force experience a unique training program. A mix of Air Force and private sector academic expertise, the Leadership Development Simulator, or LDS, is a partnership between Squadron Officer College and Michigan

  • New civilian leadership training heading to Maxwell

    Civilian Acculturation and Leadership Training will begin here in the fall, offering Air Force civilians much of the same curricula used to shape the service's new officers. The two-week CALT program places civilian students in Air University Holm Center's Officer Training School dorms, the dining