

Air University & Maxwell AFB News

  • Military spouses tackle SOS Project X

    Several spouses of officers in Squadron Officer School Class 12E gained a first-hand experience of SOS Sept. 19 at one of the most challenging tasks the students will face while at the school: Project X.The 12 spouses, joined by Susan Czelusta, wife of Squadron Officer College Commander Col. Mark

  • SOS bridges direct communication between Air Force, Navy officers

    Strengthening interservice partnerships and creating an open dialogue among junior officers was the basis for Squadron Officer School hosting its first Air Force and Navy cross talk Sept. 20.Approximately 100 Squadron Officer School captains and civilians attended to gain a deeper understanding of

  • Former AFMC commander mentors AWC Class of 2013

    After retirement, many senior military leaders continue mentoring Airmen through speaking engagements at Air War College. During the Joint Strategy Leadership course, speakers bring lessons learned, words of wisdom and best practices that tomorrow's leaders can use in their organizations. Recently,

  • SOS Class, Habitat for Humanity team up to rebuild local home

    Saturday, July 14, marked the last time students from Squadron Officer School class 12D volunteered at the Habitat for Humanity New Hope Village in Montgomery, Ala. For the last month, more than 190 students from the class have lifted sheets of plywood, swung hammers and roasted in the hot Alabama

  • SOS, SNCOA take part in combined operations

    The new Squadron Officer School program includes "combined operations," a two-day, immersive-learning event where students from SOS and the Senior Noncommissioned Officer Academy share experiences, insights and learn from one another. It has been well-received by both the SOS and SNCOA students.

  • Army captains get taste of AF life

    Officers attending the Maneuver Captains Career Course at Fort Benning, Ga., including thirty-one Army captains, two Marine captains, an Israeli officer, and an Armenian officer, accompanied by two of their instructors, visited Squadron Officer School Feb. 16 to gain insight into the Air Force. The

  • Running builds esprit de corps, fitness

    The Air Force was well represented at the Birmingham Mercedes Marathon this past weekend. About 40 members of the 34th Student Squadron from Squadron Officer School at Maxwell participated in the marathon and half marathon to promote health and fitness awareness. The 34th Student Squadron prides

  • SOS transforms education of CGOs

    On Jan. 9, Squadron Officer College opened its doors to a new Squadron Officer School, extended by three weeks.Last June, Air Force senior leaders gathered at the CORONA-Top conference and, among other decisions, chose to revise the manner in which company-grade officers are developed for future

  • Transformed CGO PME for New Era

    On Jan. 9, Squadron Officer College opened its doors to a new Squadron Officer School. Last June, Air Force senior leaders gathered at the CORONA-Top conference and among other decisions, chose to completely revise the manner in which company-grade officers are developed for future leadership