

Air University & Maxwell AFB News

  • Air University invests in technology to mitigate airborne pathogens at OTS

    Air University has added to its investment of a multilayered preventative health strategy at Officer Training School to allow it to safely continue its mission of producing Air Force officers while in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic.The strategy for the current class included prescreening the

  • Officer Training School suspends public attendance for upcoming graduation

    Air University’s Officer Training School has suspended guest presence at the awards ceremony and graduation parade this week out of caution to minimize potential spread of COVID-19.The Department of Defense and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend implementing social distancing

  • Airmen trade blue stripes for gold bars, silver wings

    Few things tell an Airman it’s time for a fresh uniform quite like swapping enlisted stripes for second lieutenant’s rank. For a pair of former airmen first class, now second lieutenants, their gold bars come with silver pilots’ wings.

  • Air University’s “Godzilla” class graduates OTS

    Air University’s Officer Training School class 19-07 has run its course, boosting the number of Air Force commissioned officers by 651 after the graduation parade Sept. 27, 2019, in Montgomery, Alabama.

  • Record Breaking OTS "Godzilla Class" complete Pennant evaluation

    An Officer Training School trainee affixes his flight’s newly earned pennant onto their guide-on, Aug. 9, 2019, on Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama. The OTS Pennant evaluation examines the ability of the officer trainees to perform both stationary and transitionary drill movements. The evaluation is

  • OTS prepares for the arrival of “Godzilla” class

    This past March, Air University’s Officer Training School celebrated the graduation of its largest class in school history: 340 officer trainees. Just a few months later, though, the radar is reading a class more than twice that size.What is being dubbed the “Godzilla” class, OTS Class 19-07 will

  • Instructor Duty: Times are Changing

    Thick skin. Selfless perspective. Fearless leadership. When asked what I wanted my officer trainees to leave Officer Training School with, these three concepts defined my expectations.