

Air University & Maxwell AFB News

  • CMSAF 19 visits Barnes Center for EPME and CCAF updates

    Chief Master Sgt. of the Air Force JoAnne Bass visited the Thomas N. Barnes Center for Enlisted Education Feb. 3, 2021, where she received updates on current initiatives in enlisted development from the Dean of Enlisted Professional Military Education Dr. Kevin O’Meara, the Air Force Senior

  • Barnes Center continues partnership with Senegalese air force

    Nearly two years of coordination, instruction and practice culminated in an event Dec. 8-10, 2020, where Senegalese student-instructors were evaluated on their teaching skills as they conducted lessons on historical figures from their country. This third collaboration among the partners was held

  • CMSgt Master Sergeant Leadership Academy Welcomes New Commandant

    Hogan was excited to learn of his selection to serve as the next CLA commandant noting his great respect for the legacy of chief master sergeant leadership development within the BCEE enterprise. This very prestigious position, to which few are nominated, requires someone with broad leadership

  • Air University’s Barnes Center begins beta-testing for ALS DLC

    The Thomas N. Barnes Center for Enlisted Education has begun a beta-test of its completely updated Airman Leadership School Distance Learning Course, ALS DLC 1.0. It is scheduled for release to Air National Guard and Air Force Reserve Airmen in November 2020.The Noncommissioned Officer Distance

  • Gunter NCO Academy reopens after nearly a decade

    The Gunter Noncommissioned Officer Academy on Maxwell-Gunter Annex reopened Oct. 1, 2020, after nearly a decade, to meet the Air Force’s increased demand for effective development of NCOs.Gunter NCOA suspended operations in 2013, when Air Education and Training Command introduced a blended learning

  • SNCOA graduates first Space Force members

    Air University's Senior Noncommissioned Officer Academy recently graduated its first Space Force members Sept. 25, 2020.Master Sgt. Jeffrey Roberts and Master Sgt. Robert Yarnes are only two of the more than 2,000 organic space operators in officer and enlisted AFSCs who began transferring Sept. 1,