

Air University & Maxwell AFB News

  • Barnes Center rolls out new ALS curriculum

    When pencils go down and scores go up, senior airmen across the Air Force check to see their line number. Out of thousands, a name they recognize as their own shows up and, when the dust they kicked up from clicking their heels finally settles, a unit first sergeant, commander or supervisor lets

  • Airey NCOA moves to Maxwell awaiting Tyndall reconstruction

    In late 2018, Tyndall Air Force Base sustained severe damage from Hurricane Michael, affecting nearly every building and mission on the installation. Among those impacted by the storm, the Airey Noncommissioned Officer Academy faced the loss of their learning environment.

  • My advanced education journey started with CCAF

    My educational journey started after talking to a guidance counselor at the education office at Bergstom AFB, Texas.The counselor provided excellent information regarding the Community College of the Air Force.She explained that since I had just completed technical training school for the military

  • Air Force Cyber College prepares Airmen, allies for cyber warfare

    The Air Force is responsible for fighting and winning in the domains of air, space and cyberspace. The Air Force Cyber College located here is making headway in ensuring Airmen are prepared for cyber warfare. The Cyber College is responsible for educating Airmen of varying ranks and career

  • First Sergeant Academy to increase course length, improve skills

    The Air Force’s First Sergeant Academy is increasing resident class length to four weeks to help fuel the Chief of Staff of the Air Force’s initiative to revitalize squadrons.   The updated curriculum starting Oct. 22, will now focus more on hands-on, scenario-based training to better prepare first

  • Colonel Pettus takes command of Air Command and Staff College

    Colonel Evan L. Pettus took command of Air Command and Staff College in a ceremony officiated by Lt. Gen. Anthony J. Cotton, commander and president of Air University, July 27. As the ACSC Commandant, Pettus is responsible for the in-residence and distance learning professional military education

  • SecAF recognizes exceptional Air University Airmen

    Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson presented each of nine Airmen with the 2018 Secretary of the Air Force Leadership Award while here for the National Security Forum, May 8-10, 2018.The award recognizes Air University students, cadets, faculty and staff who exhibit exemplary leadership,