

Air University & Maxwell AFB News

  • Chief Leadership Course 1-Year Update

    Air University’s Chief Master Sergeant Leadership course is bridging the gap between operational and strategic thinking after re-implementation in 2016. The course is the highest level of enlisted professional military education, and uses a blended learning curriculum to educate Air Force, and

  • Advisory board set to improve CCAF

    Secretary of the Air Force Deborah James officially approved a Community College of the Air Force Subcommittee to the Air University Board of Visitors July, 1, 2016.  A team of three appointed board members traveled to CCAF on the Maxwell-Gunter Annex, Alabama, July 26th to attend CCAFs Education

  • Ben Smith: The fight for life

    Rusty barbwire fencing surrounds the pastures throughout Ben Smith’s small Alabama hometown. Ben longed for an opportunity to place the dirt roads in his rear view mirror, destination success ahead. “Airman Smith,” had a nice ring to it, he thought.Smith saw the military as his only path to getting

  • Air University gains a star

    Brig. Gen. Ed Thomas, the commander of the Thomas N. Barnes Center for Enlisted Education at Maxwell Air Force Base, is Air University’s newest general officer.  The Texas A&M graduate took command of the Barnes Center August 2015. Air University commander Lt. Gen. Steven Kwast officiated and Gen.

  • AFCLC to host first AU LREC Symposium

    The Air Force Culture and Language Center hosts its first Air University Language, Regional Expertise and Culture Symposium, April 21-22.This event will offer Air University students, faculty and staff a unique forum in which to engage in an open dialogue about intercultural experiences and present

  • CCAF breaks record sixth consecutive year

    The Community College of the Air Force awarded 23,206 associate of applied science degrees in 2015, breaking the record for number of graduates six consecutive years."CCAF had an amazing year in 2015. We think CCAF is more relevant and more popular than ever before," said Lt. Col. Nathan Leap, CCAF

  • Juggling enlisted life and advanced education

    Now a Ph.D., Chief Master Sergeant Jackie-Lynn Brown recalls her mother pecking away, key by key, on an old, manual typewriter at the dinner table.  She remembers her saying, "We can be 10 years older and have our degree or we can be 10 years older and not have it." It was her mother's words of

  • AUABC program helps Airmen earn baccalaureate degree

    Since 1977 the Community College of the Air Force provided enlisted Airmen an opportunity to earn their Associates in Applied Science degrees.Today, more than 300,000 Airmen are enrolled in CCAF making it the largest community college in the world. In 2007 Air University in cooperation with CCAF

  • Thomas assumes command of Barnes Center

    Col. Edward Thomas Jr. assumed command of the Thomas N. Barnes Center for Enlisted Education at Maxwell Air Force Base, Aug. 3.Thomas previously served as the U.S. European Command director of Public Affairs. He was responsible for integrating the command's communication efforts with its component