

Air University & Maxwell AFB News

  • ANG two-star visits CCAF

    Maj. Gen. John McCoy, Air National Guard assistant to the Air Education and Training Command commander, conducted an Air National Guard All Call at his first alma mater - the Community College of the Air Force, July 15, 2015.McCoy served as an enlisted member of both the Wisconsin Army and Air

  • Airmen promote healthy living to local community

    Airmen from Maxwell Air Force Base reached out to the Montgomery community to promote healthy living, July 19, 2015.The group built raised garden beds in the Waterscapes neighborhood, enabling the community to grow organic fruits and vegetables."It was very exciting and a true blessing to be able to

  • AU completes phase one of commercial Internet upgrade

    The capabilities division of Air University's Education, Operation and Communications directorate completed phase one of a three-phase commercial Internet service install at Maxwell and Gunter Annex, June 26, 2015.The new service, according to Mark Roy, AU Commercial Internet Service Program

  • Leap assumes command of CCAF

    The Community College of the Air Force welcomed its new commander at Maxwell Air Force Base, June 19, 2015.Lt. Col. Nathan Leap assumed command from Lt. Col. Michael Artelli, who spearheaded the world's only degree-granting institution for enlisted personnel since July 2013.During Artelli's time as

  • Leap assumes command of CCAF

    The Community College of the Air Force welcomed its new commander at Maxwell Air Force Base, June 19, 2015.Lt. Col. Nathan Leap assumed command from Lt. Col. Michael Artelli, who spearheaded the world's only degree-granting institution for enlisted personnel since July 2013.During Artelli's time as

  • Maxwell Airman becomes pro bodybuilder

    In a recent bodybuilding competition to promote health and nutrition in Alabama, Tech. Sgt. Luis Lopez achieved his goal of being named a professional bodybuilder.The event was designed to show how health and nutrition can provide not just a temporary physical appearance, but long-term health

  • Air University BOV Concludes Spring Meeting

    Air University's Board of Visitors met April 2015 at Maxwell Air Force Base for their spring gathering.The Board, comprised of military, business and academic professionals, provides guidance to the Air University Commander and President about the state and direction of the University.The 15 board

  • Air University students receive SecAF Leadership Awards

    The acting undersecretary of the Air Force recognized the leadership qualities of three Airmen and one Marine during a ceremony May 5 at Air War College here.The Honorable Lisa Disbrow presented each current and former Air University student with a Secretary of the Air Force Leadership Award. The

  • CCAF graduates largest spring class ever

    The Community College of the Air Force celebrated its 43rd birthday on April 1, 2015. But the spring season brought a lot more to the college.CCAF awarded 11,575 associate degrees to its spring graduating class, the largest spring class in its 43-year history. More than 456,000 Airmen have graduated

  • Air Force COOL program kicks off

    The Community College of the Air Force officially launched the Air Force Credentialing Opportunities On-Line program, March 16.Air Force COOL is a pathway for enlisted Airmen to earn industry recognized professional certifications and licenses to enhance their active-duty work and to prepare them as