

Air University & Maxwell AFB News

  • CFC campaign celebrates success

    The Heart of Alabama Combined Federal Campaign contributors, leadership and organizers, as well as representatives from seven participating charities were encouraged to toot their own horns Dec. 9. Noise makers reminiscent of New Year's Eve were placed at each place setting in the Maxwell Club

  • AU's cultural education efforts on track, growing

    Air University's top leaders were briefed this fall on the progress and future of AU's Quality Enhancement Plan, or QEP, a five-year plan focused on increasing Airmen's cross-cultural competence.The QEP is a carefully designed course of action to address a university's educational needs, and it's a

  • Nation can learn from military, Brokaw says

    Editor's note: This is the second in a two-part series on Tom Brokaw's visit to Maxwell Nov. 14. The first article appeared in the Nov. 18 Dispatch.There is a lesson to be learned from the "greatest generation" - a unified dedication to country and fellow Americans can make a difference. This was a

  • CI ratings: AU 'excellent,' wing 'sat'

    After months of hard work, Maxwell celebrated the end of the Air Education and Training Command compliance inspection with noisemakers, horns and hamburgers on Monday.Cowbells, whistles and sirens filled Polifka Auditorium when the Air University learned it had earned an "excellent" rating."This is

  • Motorcycle crash doesn't keep Airman down

    This Airman has a guardian angel, and he's been working hard to keep her safe.In July, shortly after arriving at Gunter Annex to become the superintendent of the Enlisted Professional Military Education Instructor Course, Master Sgt. Tanya Ericson was in a motorcycle accident in Troy."A car pulled

  • Col. Price assumes command of Barnes Center

    The commander of Air University was proud to welcome Col. Stewart Price to the Barnes Center for Enlisted Education during an assumption of command ceremony Feb. 24. Colonel Price is replacing Col. Charles Wade Johnson, who retired."(Colonel Price) will be absolutely tremendous at the Barnes

  • Airman hit the floor for EHH

    For many Maxwell-Gunter Airmen, Feb. 18 was an up-and-down day as they taxed their arms and abs, and panted and grunted at a push-up and sit-up-athon at Maxwell fitness center.Participants attempted to do as many pushups and/or situps as possible in a 10-minute period in support of the Air Force

  • CCAF adds two professional certification programs

    At the start of the new year, the Community College of the Air Force strengthened its credentialing program by adding two professional certification programs -- the Professional Manager and CCAF Instructor certification programs."Both the PMC and the CIC provide Airmen with transcripted credentials

  • Maxwell team member named JAG Corps’ ‘Unsung Hero’

    One Friday, Col. Melinda Davis-Perritano asked her equipment and facility manager if the unit had any paint the same color as her door. He said he would try to find some. On Monday, when she returned, she found her door and trim freshly painted -- and already dry.That incident, said Colonel