

Air University & Maxwell AFB News

  • CCAF maintains 2.6 million student records

    The Student Services section of the Barnes Center's Community College of the Air Force performs a daunting task on a daily basis. The four-person team is the organization's front line in answering questions and processing transcript requests from current and former enlisted people seeking to further

  • Challenges, choices and consequences

    As a Chief, you are often approached and asked this question: "What are some words of wisdom you can pass on that helped you get where you are?" Well I can't promise you any sacred words of wisdom, however I would like to share with you a simple formula that I have used to help guide me both

  • Air Force officials release staff sergeant selections

    Air Force officials selected 15,223 of 30,574 eligible senior airmen for promotion to staff sergeant for a selection rate of 49.79 percent was released Thursday. The average score for those selected was 275.81, with an average time in grade and time in service of 2.09 and 4.69 years, respectively.

  • Senior NCO Academy welcomes new commandant

    Chief Master Sgt. Alexander "Alex" D. Perry assumed leadership of the Senior Noncommissioned Officer Academy July 21 as the 17th commandant and the 11th enlisted commandant. Chief Perry said he was "shocked" to learn of his selection from a group of about 12 nominees to serve as the next SNCOA

  • Top 3 inducts new Senior NCOs

    The Maxwell-Gunter "Top 3" organizations recognized 44 new senior noncommissioned officers in an induction ceremony July 24 at Gunter's Falcon's Nest. The ceremony concluded the week's professional development seminar hosted by the Top 3, according to spokesperson Master Sgt. LaShema Lewis-

  • Teens complete Cadet Officer School at Maxwell

    While most high school students are taking a summer break, 119 Civil Air Patrol Cadets from across America decided to challenge their academic and physical skills at Maxwell. This youth development program teaches CAP's top one percent, ages 16 to 20, important skills in leadership, character,

  • CCAF a powerful weapon system in recruiting arsenal

    How do Barnes Center organizations contribute to Air Education and Training Command's ability to accomplish its educational mission? One of the center's organizations attracts young men and women before they step into a flight room or enter basic training. Staff Sgt. Charly Moreau, from the 349th

  • Barnes Center works to achieve commander’s vision for enlisted education

    Nearly one year ago, Air University embarked upon what will likely be considered a significant milestone for Air Force enlisted professional military education - the creation of the Thomas E. Barnes Center for Enlisted Education. The sweeping venture brought the Air Force First Sergeants Academy,

  • Maxwell-Gunter units receive Air Force excellence award

    Ten units at Maxwell and Gunter have received the Air Force Organizational Excellence Award for July 1, 2006 through June 30, 2008. The award recognizes "acts or services that place the unit's performance significantly above that of other units of similar composition and mission responsibility.Among

  • Technical Sergeant 09E6 selections released

    Congratulations to the newest 09E6 technical sergeant selects from Maxwell Air Force Base and Gunter Annex. Air UniversityRachelle Anderson                      Nicole HumphreyTrametrice JonesDaniel SalkowskiChad SontagJohnathan Steed42nd Air Base WingScottie Boyd              42nd Security Forces