

Air University & Maxwell AFB News

  • Academy of Military Science moving to Maxwell's OTS

    With the Academy of Military Science moving from Tennessee's McGhee Tyson National Guard Air Base to Maxwell's Officer Training School, all Air Force commissioning sources, except the Air Force Academy, will be under one roof, said the OTS commander."Starting this fiscal year, all officer trainees

  • Schools announce SECAF Leadership Awards

    Spaatz Center's Air War College, Air Command and Staff College and Squadron Officers' School; and the Barnes Center Senior NCO Academy have announced recipients of the Secretary of the Air Force Leadership Award.This award is given annually to the graduate who demonstrated the greatest leadership

  • Enlisted Heritage Hall receives Airey CMSAF ring

    Paul Wesley Airey, the first Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force, had a close and very special association with Gunter, which he proved by leaving his CMSAF ring to the Enlisted Heritage Hall museum, his son said. "Dad always wanted his ring to come to Gunter because of his association with the

  • Maxwell-Gunter mourns passing of first CMSAF

    News of the passing of the first Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force, retired Chief Master Sgt. Paul Wesley Airey, in Panama City, Fla., brought a sadness to Maxwell-Gunter, March 11. A champion of the Air Force enlisted corps and Air Force values to the end, Chief Airey was a familiar face at

  • Turkish officers get lessons in enlisted training at Barnes

    Four members of the Turkish air force visited Gunter's Barnes Center for Enlisted Education complex Feb. 12 to gain ideas about how to improve their air force's enlisted education. The group headed by Col. Metin Ozdemir included Lt. Col. Cem Acar, Maj. Huesyin Uysal and Lt. Eyup Has, and according

  • Enlisted Heritage Research Institute welcomes new director

    Freshly back from a deployment to Afghanistan, the former command chief of the Air Force Reserve Command's 908th Airlift Wing stepped into the job of Enlisted Heritage Research Institute director at Gunter Annex in November. "I'm thrilled to be here," said Chief Master Sgt. Rick Fanning. "The first

  • New culture course now available online to enlisted Airmen

    Through the efforts of the Air Force Culture and Language Center and Community College of the Air Force, enlisted members now have a distance learning course that will aid them in understanding world cultures. Introduction to Culture, which is the first course of its kind in the military and is

  • AETC chief: CCAF degrees top priority for enlisted Airmen

    "Education is essential to the force," Chief Master Sgt. Robert Tappana, command chief of Air Education and Training Command, said following his three-day visit here Nov. 20. The chief, who moved into his current post in August, came to familiarize himself with the base and the specific functions of

  • CCAF puts airframe, powerplant courses online

    Aircraft maintenance technicians participating in the Air Force Airframe and Powerplant Certification Program are now able to complete the three Air Force A&P Mechanic Specialized Courses through Air University Online. The courses are part of the program requirements, after which graduates are

  • Barnes Center NCO runs fifth military marathon

    Facing his fifth military marathon with great anticipation of a "fun run," Tech Sgt. James Tetrault boarded an airplane Saturday to Washington, D.C., to participate in the 26.2-mile U.S. Marines Corps Marathon held the next day. The sergeant, an instructional systems designer in educational