

Air University & Maxwell AFB News

  • AU students discuss innovation, technology during first research symposium

    Augmented reality for special operations units, adaptive flight training, machine learning and cognitive computing were just a few of the topics discussed during the first Air Command and Staff College research symposium held here yesterday and today.Twenty-seven ACSC students presented their

  • Inside Maxwell's air traffic control tower

    The air traffic control tower on Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama, is made up of seven flights of stairs leading to the observation room where air traffic controllers have a 360 degree view to monitor the flight line. Maxwell’s air traffic control tower is the second oldest tower still in use today

  • Recycle, reuse and renew: Maxwell’s composting facility

    Dead trees, broken limbs and bushes are given a second life here by becoming the main ingredient in compost. The 42nd Maintenance Support Group runs a composting site on the north end of the flight line. The composting site came into operation in 1993, and has not ceased in providing the