

Air University & Maxwell AFB News

  • Maxwell AFB hosts groundbreaking STEM day

    In conjunction with the 2024 Beyond the Horizon Air and Space Show, Maxwell AFB showcased its inaugural Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) Day event on April 5, 2024, drawing over 3,000 enthusiastic students from across Alabama.

  • Secretary of the Air Force urges innovation in software acquisition model

    The process used by the Air Force to acquire software is archaic and needs to modernize now if the service is to win in a peer-to-peer conflict, said Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson.The secretary made those observations and gave a glimpse into the future of software acquisition during her

  • SecAF, DoD, industry leaders share stage at 2018 AFITC

    Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson and the service’s new assistant secretary for acquisitions, technology and logistics, Dr. Will Roper, are two of the military keynote speakers sharing the stage with industry leaders at this year’s Air Force Information Technology and Cyberpower Conference.

  • Calling all millennials: Fight for your reputation

    As the debate over a massive generational gap within the military becomes more prevalent, members within different generational groups should pause and consider what each contributes to mission success, rather than what makes one better than the other. Yes, I am technically a millennial; however, I