

Air University & Maxwell AFB News

  • AU Library makes women’s exhibit available online during pandemic

    “We are excited to have recently launched the new web exhibit and resource guide on Women’s Equality Day in honor of the 100th anniversary of the adoption of the Nineteenth Amendment,” said Dr. Mehmed Ali, Air University Library academic services director. “The guide is our small contribution

  • Air University officers transfer to U.S. Space Force

    Air University officers raise their right hand and recite the oath of office, officially leaving the Air Force and joining the U.S. Space Force, during a virtual ceremonial swear-in, Oct. 5, 2020, Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama. Col. Niki Lindhorst, Space Chair to Air University, presided over the

  • SNCOA graduates first Space Force members

    Air University's Senior Noncommissioned Officer Academy recently graduated its first Space Force members Sept. 25, 2020.Master Sgt. Jeffrey Roberts and Master Sgt. Robert Yarnes are only two of the more than 2,000 organic space operators in officer and enlisted AFSCs who began transferring Sept. 1,

  • SANDS students visit Europe, gain new perspectives

    Students from Air University’s School of Advanced Nuclear Deterrence Studies met with European allies last month to gain new perspectives and alternative views on how different parts of the world define nuclear deterrence.