Jan. 23, 2025 Air Force doctrine realigns to create a more lethal, resilient force The U.S. Air Force has released three doctrine publications to emphasize reoptimizing for Great Power Competition efforts: Air Force Doctrine Publication 3-0, Operations; AFDP 3-0.1, Command and Control; and AFDP 5-0, Planning.
Sept. 14, 2023 Air Force announces IDE/SDE in-residence attendance change Beginning in academic year 2025-2026, more top-rated Air Force officers will be vectored and designated to Air University in-residence Intermediate Developmental Education and Senior Developmental Education.
Aug. 23, 2023 Air University Emphasizes ‘Prepping the Line’ Initiative Lt. Gen. Andrea Tullos, Air University commander and president, reinforced the U.S. Air Force’s "Prepping the Line" initiative in memorandum to AU commanders, commandants and directors on 11 August.