

Air University & Maxwell AFB News

  • Air University opens new Civilian Leadership Development School

    The Civilian Leadership Development School officially activated as a named activity within the Ira C. Eaker Center for Leadership Development at Air University on March 2, 2022, accelerating the focus on civilian-centric professional education across the Air Force.

  • Holt assumes command of LeMay Center, vice command of Air University

    Major Gen. William Holt II assumed command of the Curtis E. LeMay Center for Doctrine Development and Education and the position of vice commander of Air University during a ceremony May 24, 2021, at Maxwell Air Force Base. The LeMay Center focuses on advancing warfighting through doctrine,

  • CMSSF visits Maxwell to meet with Guardians

    Chief Master Sgt. of the Space Force Roger A. Towberman addressed topics ranging from diversity and inclusion to policy and direction of the Space Force for its second year of activation. He encouraged Guardians to be innovative and avoid discomfort in pursuit of growth.

  • Air Force ROTC virtual town hall

    Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps leadership discussed the future of the program and answered questions during a virtual town hall, June 18, 2020, live on Air University’s Facebook.

  • SNCOs: Mentor Future Commanders!

    “More is caught, than taught.” This common colloquialism rings true for individual development. Regardless of your tenure in the Top 3, if you have just sewn on master sergeant, or are a chief master sergeant hitting high year tenure, senior NCOs shape tomorrow’s joint leaders. We set the example

  • Flagships of education

    For current or future Air Force commissioned officers, two names represent the pinnacle of education within the force. While these flagship institutions have, up to now, worked mostly independent of one another, Air University and the U.S. Air Force Academy have come together to formally synchronize