

Air University & Maxwell AFB News

  • AFIT Education Programs Advance the Digital Workforce

    Air Force Institute of Technology faculty participated in the Digital Dayton Roundtable at the University of Dayton Research Institute Curran Place on 4 March. The event focus was “Creating the Digital Materiel Management Workforce We Need: A Digital Transformation Office, Air Force Materiel Command

  • CE students deliver real-world plan for RAF Feltwell

    What started as a consultation request turned into faculty from the Air Force Institute of Technology's Civil Engineer School delivering the first off-site offering of their Comprehensive Planning Course (WENG 520).

  • 30 Airmen earn CCAF degrees at Wright-Patt

    Thirty Airmen crossed the stage of Carney Auditorium in the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force on Nov. 15 to accept their associate of applied science degrees from the Community College of the Air Force.

  • AFIT Faculty Receive AFA Sponsored Awards

    During a virtual ceremony on Feb. 25, four Air Force Institute of Technology faculty members received awards sponsored by the Wright Memorial Chapter 212 of the Air Force Association.

  • New chief academic officer to oversee quality education standards

    Dr. Heidi Ries has been selected as the Air Force Institute of Technology’s chief academic officer, responsible for overseeing and ensuring the highest standards of academic quality in both graduate and professional continuing education instruction and research.