

Air University & Maxwell AFB News

  • SecAF, CSAF visit AU for 66th annual National Security Forum

    The NSF is designed to inform community influencers on Air University and the Air Force’s current and future objectives as well as plans for enhancing national security, and is hosted by Air War College on behalf of the Secretary of the Air Force.

  • A New Home for One of the Brave

    In the early 2000s, escalating tensions in Iraq caused severe damage to the region. Many Iraqi citizens fled the country’s borders, fearing for their lives under Saddam Hussein’s rule. It’s doubtful too many had hopes of one day becoming an American, and even fewer, an American Airman.

  • Flagships of education

    For current or future Air Force commissioned officers, two names represent the pinnacle of education within the force. While these flagship institutions have, up to now, worked mostly independent of one another, Air University and the U.S. Air Force Academy have come together to formally synchronize

  • Airey NCOA moves to Maxwell awaiting Tyndall reconstruction

    In late 2018, Tyndall Air Force Base sustained severe damage from Hurricane Michael, affecting nearly every building and mission on the installation. Among those impacted by the storm, the Airey Noncommissioned Officer Academy faced the loss of their learning environment.

  • EDTF starts at Air University

    The Electromagnetic Defense Task Force Summit 2.0 kicked off April 29, at the Air University, bringing more than 300 military and civilian leaders from NATO and across the nation to look at threats and responses to challenges in the electromagnetic spectrum.

  • SANDS students visit Europe, gain new perspectives

    Students from Air University’s School of Advanced Nuclear Deterrence Studies met with European allies last month to gain new perspectives and alternative views on how different parts of the world define nuclear deterrence.