  • Looking back at some great moments from the last year or so, and really excited about our steps ahead, we want to recognize the pulse of campus, which is you! Our students, faculty and everyone who joins us for different experiences on our main campus and around the world. This is your university! Air University touches ever facet of your career-delivering education and training to make you a better, smarter, more lethal Airman. Education that is by, with and for Airmen to further National defense. How has your experience with us made a difference for you and the Nation? (U.S. Air Force video by Billy Blankenship and Robert Dantzler)
    My Air University
    My Air University

    Looking back at some great moments from the last year or so, and really excited about our steps ahead, we want to recognize the pulse of campus, which is you!


Air University & Maxwell AFB News

  • ALS Distance Learning 2.0 Launch

    Air University’s Airman Leadership School Distance Learning 2.0 is officially launching June 17, 2024, as part of the Global College of Professional Military Education at Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama.

  • Military training team travels to UAE for PME

    A team of Barnes Center for Enlisted Education instructors traveled to the Middle East recently to deliver noncommissioned officer leadership curriculum to members of the United Arab Emirates Air Force.

  • Air University’s Barnes Center begins beta-testing for ALS DLC

    The Thomas N. Barnes Center for Enlisted Education has begun a beta-test of its completely updated Airman Leadership School Distance Learning Course, ALS DLC 1.0. It is scheduled for release to Air National Guard and Air Force Reserve Airmen in November 2020.The Noncommissioned Officer Distance

  • Barnes Center rolls out new ALS curriculum

    When pencils go down and scores go up, senior airmen across the Air Force check to see their line number. Out of thousands, a name they recognize as their own shows up and, when the dust they kicked up from clicking their heels finally settles, a unit first sergeant, commander or supervisor lets