Office of Sponsored Programs



About Us

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What We Do:
The Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) facilitates projects between Air University (AU) organizations and external sponsors, ranging from formalized Research Task Forces and media like the Wild Blue Yonder blog and podcast to one-off requests for expertise, coordination, and event planning.  Our approach is to help solve problems by figuring out how to “get to yes” and then passing on that process to others, whether it is responsive contracting and financial support or making use of AU assets like AUTV.  We do our best to direct traffic and make matches for whatever comes up as an opportunity to promote AU scholarship. 

Our Mission:
We’re the connective tissue that gets AU scholarship from the schoolhouse to decision-makers and sponsor’s requests to responsive subject matter experts.

Our Vision:
To be the one-stop entry point for requests for AU brainpower.

Our Team:

Dr. Margaret Sankey
Research Coordinator
Air University Academic Services
Office of Sponsored Programs