Office of Sponsored Programs



Air University Research Topics List

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View the AU Research Topics List

The Office of Sponsored Programs also oversees the AU Research Topics List, which is comprised of questions given to Air University by organizations with the USAF and other DoD organizations. To facilitate the iterative process of research, each question also includes a list of reverent work that has been recently by AU students that is hosted in the AU Library's databases.

We accept topic submissions on a continual basis. If you would like to submit a topic, please contact us at Be sure to include a short title, the question(s), the name of the organization or commander requesting the topic, and a POC with their contact information. You may also include a short background paragraph to provide context to the question(s).

Papers attached to these links represent AU student work which has been cleared by our Security and Policy Review process.  We have many more papers on relevant topics awaiting review.  Please contact OSP and we will pull and prioritize clearing papers useful to your questions and mission.