Topic Sponsor: HAF/A1Z
How can the AF (and other services) develop resilience and support 21st Century Airmen and their dependents?
- Adams, LTC David J., "The Challenge of Resiliency Model," AWC PSP, 2021, 30 pgs.
- Agcanas, Maj. Michael V., "Mitigating Toxic Leadership in the USAF," GCPME/ACSC paper, 2022, 35 pgs.
- Altman, Major Amanda C., "Building Resilience through the Physical Pillar of Comprehensive Airman Fitness," Resilience RTF 2022, 28 pgs.
- Awusah, Dariah, "A Corps-Wide Strategic Approach to Combatting Vicarious Trauma," AF Fellows Paper, 2022, 9 pgs.
- Bailey, Col. Keolani, "The Indispensability of Character Development: An Air National Guard Perspective," AWC PSP, 2021, 36 pgs.
- Baker, Lt. Col. Cory L., "Innovation in Air Force Discourse: Is Work Ethic Being Neutered?" AWC Strategic Studies Paper, 2020, 34 pgs.
- Bergholdt, Lt. Col. Christian M., "Physical Fitness in the Air Force: Addressing Competency and Time to Optimize the Force," Air Force Fellows paper, 2021, 122 pgs.
- Blair, M., et al, "Improving Retention: Identifying and Addressing Burnout," SOS AUAR 2021, 12 pgs.
- Botts, Lt. Col. Jason (Chaplain), "Beyond a Wing and a Prayer: A Leadership Philosophy for Wing Chaplains," AWC PSP, 2022, 27 pgs.
- Bradford, Maj. Michael A., "Inspiration Coupled with Trust Begets Success: Twelve O'Clock High, A Portrayal of Leadership in Film," ACSC elective paper (AF in Fact, Fiction and Film), 2022, 6 pgs.
- Bryant, Lt. Col. Benjamin, "The Exceptional Family Member Program: Noble Cause, Flawed System," AWC Strategic Studies Paper, 2022, 30 pgs.
- Cabano, Col. Nicholas R., "Resilience in US Army Veterinary Personnel: Imminent Threats and Proposed Solutions," AWC PSP, Resilience RTF, 2022, 67 pgs.
- Cabrera, Lt. Col. Steven, "Emotional Intelligence: The Key to Elevating Leadership and Preventing Suicides in the Aircraft Maintenance Career Field," AWC PSP, 2021, 20 pgs.
- Cameron, Lt. Col. Glenn, "Including Mental Health in Our Fitness Routine is Long Overdue," Air Force Fellows Paper, 2022, 3 pgs.
- Carlson, Lt. Col. Cataleya, "What Can I Do to Make Your Life Easier?--The Corporate World's Take on People First," Air Force Fellows paper, 2022, 2 pgs.
- Cook, Maj. Brian, "The Air Force is Still Getting it Wrong on Physical Fitness," Air Force Fellows paper, 2022, 2 pgs.
- Critcher, Lt. Col. Jessica R., "Controlled by Connectedness," Air Force Fellows Paper, 2022, 2 pgs.
- Cushen-Corker, Lt. Col. Sarra E., "The Missing Pieces of Air Force Workplace Health Promotion," AWC PSP, 2021, 37 pgs.
Dean, LTC Bradley, "The Active Duty to Civilian Reintegration Dilemma: A Case Study on Veteran Reintegration," AWC Strategic Studies Paper, 2020, 23 pgs.
- Dyce, Maj. Toywoner, "COVID-19 Pandemic: Coping Strategies for Military-Medical Personnel," GCPME paper, 2020, 44 pgs.
- Dyke, Maj. Travis M., "Increasing Resiliency through Social Connection," ACSC paper (Resilience RTF), 2024, 31 pgs.
- Ferguson, Lt. Col. Paul, "True Grit: Getting after Resilience through Officer Professional Military Education," AWC PSP, 2020, 26 pgs.
Gallagher, Lt. Col. David, "Leading Through Crisis," AWC Strategic Studies Paper, 2020, 24 pgs.
Haack, Lt. Col. Michael A., "The Orchard: How AFSOC Should Grow Leaders of Character," AWC Strategic Studies Paper, 2019, 31 pgs.
- Hart, Lt. Col. John, "Defending the Defenders: An Examination of the Work-Life Balance of Security Forces Airmen," SAASS thesis 2020, 88 pgs.
- Hinck, John M. et al, "A Case Study of What Was at Stake during the USS Roosevelt's COVID-19 Outbreak: Navigating the Tensions of Leading under Conditions of Crisis and Uncertainty," published as an AU Press Fairchild Paper, 2022, 42 pgs.
- Hull, Maj. Amanda J., "Are They Ready? Resilience Training for AFROTC Cadets to Improve Mental Fitness," ACSC paper (Resilience RTF), 2024, 25 pgs.
- Isacco, Col. John J., "Leadership Through Connection: A Squadron Commander Model for Developing Resilience," AWC Strategic Studies Paper, 2023, 33 pgs.
- Jenkins, Maj. Philip R., "Understanding and Cultivating Grit to Enhance Performance, Resilience and Mental Health among Military Service Members," ACSC paper (Resilience RTF), 2024, 55 pgs.
- Lacek, Lt. Col. Angela, "Transcending Trauma through Self-Reflection: An Analysis of Military Nurses Post-Deployment," AWC PSP, 2020, 40 pgs.
- Lochren, Alex C., "Building Resilience in Military Working Dog Handlers in Preparation for and following the Death of Their Canine Partner," GCPME 2021, 47 pgs.
- Mack, LtCol Abdul E., "Tribal Identity: Increased Resilience through an Enhanced Belonging," AWC paper (Resilience RTF), 2024, 28 pgs.
- Mahood, Shawn M., "Forged with Fire: Improving Non-Prior Service Civilian Employee Grit through Blacksmithing Programs," GCPME thesis, 2022, 52 pgs.
- McGinnis, Lt. Col. Brian G., "The Efficacy of Coaching and Its Impact on Building Resilience for Air Force Leadership Development," AWC paper (Resilience RTF), 2024, 24 pgs.
- McMahon, Lt. Col. Kevin A., "The Burdens of Command," AWC, Strategic Studies Paper, 2021, 29 pgs.
- Mercurio, Maj. Nicholas, "Reframing Air Force Suicide Prevention: A Human Capital Strategy to Normalize Help-Seeking Behaviors," ACSC elective paper, 2020, Prize Winner: Human Capital Innovation Award (Published in ASPJ, Volume 35 Issue 1, Spring 2021)
- Merrifield, Maj. David S. (Chaplain), "Religion, Readiness and Virtual Reality: Implications for the Air Force Chaplain Corps College," ACSC paper (VR/AR RTF), 2019, 27 pgs.
- Michaelson, Lt. Col. Joseph R., "A Framework for Establishing an Air Force Coaching Culture," AWC Strategic Studies paper, 2020, 36 pgs.
- Miller, Col. Burr H. "Strengthening Resilience in Chronically Ill Soldiers," AWC Strategic Studies Paper, 2021, 34 pgs.
- Miller, Kelly E., "Keeping Loved Ones Apart: Evaluation of the Impact of Restricted Visitation Policies during COVID-19," GCPME thesis, 2023, 39 pgs.
- Montoya, Col. (Chaplain) Charles R., "The Resiliency Dilemma: Projecting Air Power or Resilient Airmen," AWC PSP, 2020, 27 pgs.
- Nelson, Lt. Col. Heather, "Military Command Exception: Balancing Medical Confidentiality with Mission Readiness," AWC PSP, 2017, 30 pgs.
Nelson, Col. Ross F., "The War Inside: The Unfamiliar concept of Moral Injury," AWC Strategic Studies paper, 2019, 28 pgs.
Parsons, Lt. Col. Kevin, "Using Behavioral Science and Technology to Improve Health in the United States Air Force," AWC, Strategic Studies Paper, 2021, 35 pgs.
- Primiano, Lt. Col. Michael L., "Building a Coaching Culture," AWC Strategic Studies Paper, 2021, 22 pgs.
- Regan, Maj. Joseph P., "Are You G.A.M.E.? Team Resiliency an Imperative to Mission Command and Agile Combat Employment," ACSC paper (Resilience RTF), 2024, 30 pgs.
- Roach, LTC Shane A., "The Mystery behind the Disappearing Leader," AWC Strategic Studies Paper, 2019, 36 pgs.
- Sheffield, LTC James D., "Emotional Intelligence: The Modernization of Leadership and Resilience in the United States Army," AWC Strategic Studies Paper, 2021, 27 pgs.
- Steen, Susan, ed. Warrior Heart: The Foundation of Combat Readiness (AU Press, 2024). Drawn from AY24 Resilience Research Task Force Papers, at the request of AMC.
- Sullivan, Maj. Romonte R., "Air Task Force Deployment Preparation: Embracing Resilience in the New Era of Great Power Competition," ACSC paper (Resilience RTF), 2024, 32 pgs.
- Thoms, Col. William E., Jr., "Nurse Suicides," AWC PSP, 2020, 20 pgs.
- VanBergen, Maj. Ian, "Combating Trauma for the Future Fight," ACSC paper (Resilience RTF), 2024, 30 pgs.
- Ward, Lt. Col. T. Christopher, "Four Proposed Steps to Improve the Exceptional Family Member Program Process in the Assignment System," AWC Strategic Studies Paper, 2020, 22 pgs.
- Warren, Lt. Col. Joel K., USAF, Chaplain, "Cultivating Resilience by Spiritual Fitness: What Works in Chapel Programming?" AWC PSP, 2018, 32 pgs.
- Wegner, Lt. Col. Thomas F., "Emphasizing Religious Faith to Combat Suicide and Low Resiliency," AWC PSP, 2021, 29 pgs.
- Wetterhall, Lt. Col. Justin W., "Hardiness, Grit and Resilience in Military Organizations: A Leader's Toolkit," AWC paper (Resilience RTF), 2024, 40 pgs.
- Wheldon, Lt. Col. Neil, "Answering the Cries in the Darkness: A Proactive Approach to Suicide Prevention," AWC PSP, 2020, 26 pgs. Prize Winner: AWC Research Excellence
- Williams, Lt. Col. Carlin, "The Operational Force Social Contract" AWC PSP, 2020, 38 pgs.
- Yamzon, Lt. Col. Michael L., "Service before Self, but without Self...There is No Service," AWC PSP, 2022, 34 pgs.
- Zielinski, Lt. Col. William J., "A Listening Approach: Equipping Leaders to Listen for PTSD," AWC PSP, 2020, 35 pgs.
Family and Community Factors:
- Beaty, Kevin, "Military Spouse Education is a Military Readiness Issue," ACSC elective paper (Inclusive Leadership), 2023, 10 pgs.
- Dorey, Lt. Col. Brett J., "Montgomery's Under-Performing Public Schools: Recommendations for Civil-Military Partnered Path Forward," AWC Strategic Studies Paper, 2019, 61 pgs.
- Freeman, Lt. Col. Angela, "Air Force Family Readiness: A Support Structure Paradigm Shift," AWC Strategic Studies Paper, 2020, 27 pgs.
- Matejka, Maj. Jack, "Resiliency Reimagined," ACSC elective paper (Innovators by Design), 2020, 11 pgs.
- van Weezendonk, Lt. Col. Christine Love, "Emotional Intelligence Training in the USAF Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Program Toolkit," AWC PSP 2022, 32 pgs.
- Ward, Lt. Col. T. Christopher, "Four Proposed Steps to Improve the Exceptional Family Member Program Process in the Assignment System," AWC PSP, 2020, 26 pgs.
- Williams, Lt. Col. Carlin, "The Operational Force Social Contract" AWC PSP, 2020, 38 pgs.
- Williams Jr., Maj. Donald, "Natural Disasters and National Security: Review and Recommendations," AF Fellows Paper, 2020, 20 pgs.
- Wilson, Lt. Col. Stephanie, "After the Flag: Supporting Graduated Squadron Commanders," AWC 2022, 36 pgs.
- Barido, Lt. Col. Carrie A., "Reforming Line of Duty Determinations, Medical Continuation and Incapacitation Pay for the Reserve Component," AWC PSP, 2021, 31 pgs.
- Blanchard, Lt. Col. Janet L., "Coaching for Healthcare Executives: Building Resilience in a Pandemic," AWC, 2021, 21 pgs.
Dufour, Col. Karey M., "Medical Support for Combat Operations in a Denied Environment (MS-CODE): Exploring the Art of the Possible Using and Operational Approach," AWC PSP, 2018, 116 pgs.
LeMay Center Wargaming Directorate, "MS-CODE After-Action Report for AF/SG3/5" 2017, 116 pgs.
- Moon, Alex L., "Grin 'n Bear It: The Effects of Strategic Decisions on Eighth Air Force Bomber Crews from October 1943-February 1944," SAASS thesis, 2021, 103 pgs.
- Nielsen, Maj. Matthew, "Revolutionizing Mental Health Care Delivery in the USAF by Shifting the Access Point to Primary Care," ACSC paper, 2016.
- Snadecki, Capt. Bradley, "How Mobility Air Force Maintains Training/Readiness in the COVID Era and Beyond," SOS AUAR 2021, 10 pgs.
- Tarrant, Capt. Matthew A., "Artificial Intelligence to Enhance Military Justice Rehabilitation," SOS AUAR, 2021, 10 pgs.
- Walton, Lt. Col. Brande H., USAF, "Emotional Intelligence Attributes in Film: A Military Leadership Case Study," AWC PSP, 2018, 40 pgs.