JADO - Essential Information Requirements
What are the essential information requirements for JADO? How does JADC2 overcome the problem of multiple incompatible networks that are used in contemporary C2?
- Anthony, Capt. Ian A., "Network Enabled Weaponry and the Information Systems Needed to Support Them," SOS AUAR paper, 2020, 8 pgs
- Bojanić, Maj. Oliver, "Advancing Tactical Command and Control: A Comparative Case Study Analysis in Harnessing Artificial Intelligence for Enhanced Efficiency and Optimization," GCPME thesis, 2023, 71 pgs.
- Borcuk, Maj. Katie N., "More Than Flights of Fancy: The Critical Need for a United States Pigeon Messenger Service in the Age of Electronic Warfare," GCPME thesis, 2021, 48 pgs.
- Buckley, Maj. Brian L., "Enabling Faster Battlespace Decisions through GEOINT Managed Battle Damage Assessment," GCPME/ACSC, 2022, 31 pgs.
- Buelow, Maj. Brandon, "Can You Hear Me Now? Enabling Command, Control and the Joint Targeting cycle in a Degraded or Denied Communications Environment," AWC elective paper, 2019, 12 pgs.
- Caldwell, Lt. Col. James T., "Combined Joint All-Domain Command and Control: Requirements to Distribute Missile Defense Information to the Tactical Edge," AWC PSP, 2021, 28 pgs.
- Cook, Col. Brendan RCAF, "Augmented Reality: Collaborative and Analytical Tools for ISR Operations," ILS RTF paper, 2019, 25 pgs.
- Donoho, Maj. Rachel, "Connecting Everything to the Network Won't Make Warfighting Easier," AF Fellows paper (Idaho National Laboratory), 2024, 3 pgs.
- Estes, Capt. Brett, "Optimizing Joint IPOE for Future Conflicts," SOS AUAR, 2020, 9 pgs.
- Fischer, Capt. Michael, "Bridging the Gap: The Need to Connect Tactical Datalink to Mobile Ad Hock Network (MANET) Ground Radios to Enhance Situational Awareness for Special Operations," SOS AUAR, 2020, 4 pgs.
- Harms, Lt. Col. Brent, "Data Fusion as Software Solution for 2018 OIR Lessons Learned and JADC2," AWC PSP, 2020, 35 pgs.
- Hayworth, Dr. Jordan R., ed. "Operation Inherent Resolve: Insights and Perspectives from Air University," Published by AU Press, 2023, 332 pgs.
- Howie, Capt. Natalie, "Intelligence Support to Joint All Domain Command and Control Network Vulnerabilities," SOS AUAR Paper, 2020, 8 pgs.
- Hudson, James F., "Recommendations to Achieve DOD Mission Assurance in a Joint All-Domain Command and Control (JADC2) Environment," AWC PSP, 2020, 26 pgs.
- Jordan, Lt. Col. Mickey, "Leveraging Chaos: Intelligent Networks for the JADC2 Fight," AWC PSP, 2020, 30 pgs.
- Kazanis, Alexander K., "Closing the Loop: Timely Battle Damage Assessment Evolution for the Anti-Access/Area Denial Challenge," eSchool ACSC thesis, 2020, pg. 49.
- Matissek, Capt. Kyle, "A Conflict with a Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) Savvy Near-Peer Demands Secure, Resilient, and Efficient Communication Devices," SOS AUAR, 2020, 5 pgs.
- Oeth, Teresa L., "A New Way of Business: Optimizing Information System Capability in Air Mobility Command," GCPME, 2021, 63 pgs.
- Phillips, Maj. Heath, Major Troy Taylor, and Major Robert Vincent, "Fighting Today's Peer/Near-Peer Fight with Today's Technology," ACSC paper, 2020, 16 pgs.
- Reid, Capt. Wes, "Remote Operation Coordination Kit," SOS AUAR paper, 2019, 2 pgs.
- Salvador, Major John A., "Radio Frequency Photonics: Enabler of Electromagnetic Spectrum Dominance" ACSC - ACTS 2.0 RTF paper, 2020, 17 pgs.
- Sander III, Col. Jack W., "Reorganizing the Joint Communications Support Element to Provide More Effective Support for USTRANSCOM, the JECC and the Unified Combatant Commands," AWC PSP, 2018, 34 pgs.
- Spader, Maj. Nicky H. "Air Force ISR in Agile Combat Employment: Turning Decision Advantage into Operational Advantage," ACSC paper (ISR Vigilance Horizons RTF), 2022, 19 pgs.
- Thomas, Maj. Jacob M., "The Military Internet of Things: Adapting Commercial Capabilities," Air Force Fellows 2021, 43 pgs.
- Tucholski, Maj. Heidi PhD, "Closing the knowledge gaps on future command and control : three implications the Air Force must consider today" ACSC - ACTS 2.0 RTF paper, 2020, 15 pgs.
- Ventullo, Capt. Chris, "JADC2 via ABMS," SOS AUAR Paper, 2020, 7 pgs.
- Vincent, Maj. Robert, USAF, "Operation Inherent Resolve: Innovating Informational Solutions During Superiority" Airpower Vistas RTF ACSC Paper, 2020, 23 pgs.
- Wallis, Maj. Alex M., "Challenging Command Seeking Control: Evaluating the USAF's Current C2 System Assumptions and Posture in the South China Sea," OLMP thesis, GCPME, 2021, 45 pgs.
- Wallis, Alex M., "'From Wreaths to Wings': The History of Weapons Controllers and their Evolution to Air Battle Managers in the United States Air Force," SAASS thesis, 2022, 100 pgs.