Ethical Implications of Increased Use of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
As advances in computing are implemented in JADO, what are the ethical implications of increased use of artificial intelligence and machine learning?
- AU Library Libguide - Military Applications of Artificial Intelligence
- Alford, Lt. Col. Daniel, "The Air Force Ethic," AWC PSP, 2020, 23 pgs.
- Awoke, LTC Zelalem, "Zero Day: An Offensive Opportunity," AWC PSP, 2021, 24 pgs.
- Beckett, Lt Col Gary P., USAFR "Leveraging Artificial Intelligence and Automatic Target Recognition to Accelerate Deliberate Tracking" AWC PSP, 2020, 17 pgs. WINNER - AWC Intelligence Community Award
- Brown, Capt. Vanessa, "BBP on AI Aided Targeting Cycle," SOS AUAR, 2023, 3 pgs.
- Carns, Jennifer B., "Artificial Intelligence: To Trust or Not to Trust," AF Fellows paper, 2022, 5 pgs.
- Case, Maj. Michael, "There is a Fox in the Hen House," AF Fellows paper, 2022, 3 pgs.
- Casey, Maj. Keith R., "Pandora's Box: The Race to Artificial Intelligence," AF Fellows paper, 2023, 3 pgs.
- Casey, Maj. Keith R., "The Ethical Implications of the Increased Use of AI and ML in Operations," AF Fellows paper, 2023, 37 pgs.
- Catt, Capt. Nathaniel, "Calibrating Trust in Military AI Systems," SOS AUAR Paper, 2021, 12 pgs.
- Collins, Maj. Graham, "Artificial Intelligence: What Is It and Ethical Implications," ACSC elective paper, 2024, 13 pgs.
- Dalrymple, Dash, "Applying Ethics in an Artificial Intelligence Arms Race," GCPME thesis, 2024, 45 pgs.
- Ferrarini, Capt. Hannah M. and Capt. Christian P. Ferrarini, "The Future of Artificial Intelligence in Talent Management," SOS AUAR Paper, 2021, 5 pgs.
- Fromuth, Lt. Col. Maureen, "Operational Risk Assessments: Using a Risk-Based Framework for Oversight of Artificial Intelligence in National Security," AF Fellows course paper (Congress and National Security), 2022, 21 pgs.
- Gardner, Maj. Dennis Jr., "Check Your Understanding: The Ethical Application of Artificial Intelligence," AF Fellows paper, 2023, 3 pgs.
- Hart, Major Mariko, "Vulnerabilities and Challenges of Integrating AI into Future Air Force Intelligence Systems" ACSC Paper - ACTS 2.0 RTF, 2020, 17 pgs.
- Heath, Capt. Christy, "When AIs Fail to Act Human," SOS AUAR Paper, 2020, 7 pgs. (published in Wild Blue Yonder, 13 August 2021)
- Holloway, Maj. E. Minnenne and Maj. Bridget K. Pantaleon, "Warfare in the Age of AI: Upholding International Humanitarian Law amid Technological Advancements," AF Fellows paper, 2024, 12 pgs.
- Lageman, Capt. Derek, "Artificial Intelligence for Use in Combat Search and Rescue," SOS AUAR, 2021, 19 pgs.
- Moriarty, Capt. Richard, and Capt. Patrick Snyder, "The Use of Artificial Intelligence and Less Lethal Force in Installation Security," SOS AUAR, 2021, 10 pgs.
- Narbutovskih, Major Nicholas T. G., "Dust" Over the Horizon Journal, June 2020
- Palmer, Maj. Kyle, "Autonomous IFCs: Artificial Intelligence and Intermediate Force Capabilities," ACSC elective paper (Intermediate Force Capabilities), 2023, 14 pgs.
- Pantaleon, Maj. Bridget, "Are We Prepared for When Artificial Intelligence Costs Innocent Lives?" AF Fellows paper, 2023, 3 pgs.
- Pope, Maj. Billy E., "A Better State of War: Surmounting the Ethical Cliff in Cyber Warfare," SAASS thesis, 2014, 91 pgs.
- Tarrant, Capt. Matthew A., "Artificial Intelligence to Enhance Military Justice Rehabilitation," SOS AUAR, 2021, 10 pgs.
- Thomsen, Capt. Alexa, "AI, the OODA Loop and Cybersecurity," SOS AUAR paper, 2020, 9 pgs.
- VanderWeyden, Major Troy S., "Human Out-of-the-Loop and the International Humanitarian Law," eSchool ACSC thesis, 2021, 45 pgs.
- Wagemann Jr., Lt. Col. John P., "The United States Air Force and Artificial Intelligence: Moving Forward by Learning from Past Technology Implementation," AF Fellows Paper, 2020, 27 pgs.
- Williams, Maj. Herbert T., "A DOD Education Strategy for Artificial Intelligence," AF Fellows Paper, 2020, 52 pgs