Manage, Training and Equipping for JADO
How does the USAF manage, train and equip for JADO?
- Adducchio, Daniel D., "Technical Requirements Methodologies: Approaches for Cheaper, Faster, Better System Development," Air Force Fellows paper, 2021, 47 pages.
- Andrews, James R., "Data Rights: Benefiting DoD Contractors at Taxpayer Expense," GCPME ACSC thesis, 2022, 37 pgs.
- Austhof, LTC Jeffrey A., "Prioritizing Army National Guard Warfighting Proficiency to Meet Strategic Competition Demands of the United States," AWC PSP 2022, 28 pgs.
- Blessman, Capt. David, "JADO For 2035 (Case Study)" SOS AUAR paper, 2020, 6 pgs.
- Chichowski, Lt. Col. Jonathan, "A Bridge to Nowhere: The F-35 vs. F-15EX Debate in a Future Fighter Force," Air Force Fellows paper, 2022, 3 pgs.
- ​Cohan, Maj. Geoff "Enhancing Critical Thinking Training For Intelligence Analysis: A DOD-Wide Solution" ACSC paper, 2020, 20 pgs. Winner - 2020 Defense Intelligence Agency Award (ACSC)
- Cox, Maj. Christopher, "Military Acquisitions in a World with Rising Chinese Control," AF Fellows Paper, 2020, 63. pgs.
- Council, Evangeline, "Acquisition Reform," AWC PSP, 2021, 22 pgs.
- Dacanay, Capt. Charlie Mark, "How Can Artificial Intelligence Be Utilized in the Department of Defense to Speed up the Procurement Process?" SOS AUAR paper, 2021, 7 pgs.
- De Long, Jessica, "Aligning the Desire for Rapid Production and Rapid Acquisition Processes," SOS AUAR paper, 2021, 4 pgs.
- Genco, Mariah M., "Extended Reality for Pre-Mission Training and Planning," AWC PSP, 2019, 35 pgs.
- Grosselin, Maj. Collette A., "Are Congress' Annual Acquisition Reforms Still Benefiting the Department of Defense?" AF Fellows Paper, 2021, 27 pgs.
- Hollenack, LTC Paul, "The Sustainable Readiness Model: A Case Study of the ABCT," Air War College Strategic Studies Paper, 2020, 19 pgs.
- Hudgeons, Capt. Reace, "JADC2 Technology in Joint Forcible Entry Operations in Island Hopping Campaign," SOS AUAR paper, 2020, 17 pgs.
- Lane, Charles, "Optimizing USAF Asset Management," SOS AUAR, 2020, 6 pgs.
- McBrayer, Lt. Col. Brandon, "Organizing F-16 Squadrons to Maximize Readiness, Leadership Development and Alliances," AWC strategic Studies paper, 2020, 26 pgs.
- Miccio, Ryan, "Changing the Dynamic: A Mindset of Leading with Information," SOS AUAR paper, 2020, 5 pgs.
- Ollivant, David A., "Missileer TVs and the Stakeholder Mindset," SOS AUAR, 2021, 2 pgs.
- Owczarczyk, Capt. Marcin, "The Need for Development Operations Squadrons," SOS AUAR, 2020, 8 pgs.
- Spohn, Lt. Col. Jay R., "Capable--Affordable--Flexible: Marching Orders for Air Combat Command's Adversary Aircraft Recapitalization," AWC Strategic Studies paper, 2018, 24 pgs.
- Stumpf, Stephen, "Crowd-Sourced Flight Test, Tactical QRIP and Singular OODA Loops," SOS AUAR, 2021, 3 pgs.
- Taylor, Capt. Robyn, "Fighting Tomorrow's Fight Today: Joint All Domain Operational Testing of Next Generation Technology," SOS AUAR paper, 2020, 8 pgs.
- Tellefsen, Maj. Rolf D., "Bringing the Future Faster," AF Fellows Paper, 2020, 37 pgs.
- Unterseher, Chief Master Sergeant Jeremy L., "Assessment Tools for the 21st Century: Aligning Airmen to Win in Advanced Engagements," AWC paper, 2017, 35 pgs.
- West, Lt. Col. Johnny, "Why We Need an Operational Readiness Inspection: But Not the Way You Remember," AWC PSP, 2021, 24 pgs.
- Woll, Leslie A. "On Thought: Using Intuition and Critical Thought in Combat Decision Making," SAASS thesis, 2020, 83 pgs.
- Worden, Travis, "Fight's On. Commit. You're Dead: Why the United States' Largest Training Ranges are too Small and How LVC Can Provide the Answer," SOS AUAR, 2021, 8 pgs. (Published on Wild Blue Yonder, 31 March 2021)
- Zemler, Lt. Col. Jason, "The Loss of the Warfighter in the Air Force's Advanced Battle Management System Acquisition Strategy," AWC PSP, 2021, 27 pgs.