Establishing Flexible Logistics
The Air Force’s fiscal 2021 budget requests funds to ensure the service is capable of conducting “logistics under attack,” something USAF considers key to success in a highly contested environment. The CSAF is looking for “initiatives focused on more agile, resilient, and survivable energy logistics—from bulk strategic supplies to deliveries at the tactical edge.” He also supports the idea of “expeditionary logistics under attack,” saying the service needs to provide “agile and survivable forward communications” to defend against an attack in cyberspace.
- Adeji-Paul, Maj. Paul, "Improving the Resiliency of Air Force Logistics," AF Fellows paper (Department of Transportation), 2024, 25 pgs.
- Albertsen, Lt. Col. Danzel, "Agile Manufacturing: An Air Force Necessity," AWC PSP, 2020, 29 pgs.
- Arrington, Gabe and Justin Chandler, "The Nature of Warfare Just Changed," Air Force Fellows Paper, 2022, 3 pgs.
- Asbury, Colin, "Bullet Background Paper on EVC Embedded Radar Reflective Signal," SOS AUAR Ideas and Weapons, 2023, 2 pgs.
- Ayers, Lt. Col. Bryson S., "Additive Manufacturing: The American Corvus," AF Fellows paper (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), 2024, 3 pgs.
- Babineau, Jonathan, "Benchmarking Military Agile Logistics: The First 24 Hours of Operation Tomodachi," Global College of PME (ACSC track), 2022, 52 pgs.
- Badstibner, Capt. Jason R., "Air National Guard Funding Challenges for Mobility Air Forces (MAF) 'Rapid Deployment,'" SOS AUAR 2021 10 pgs.
- Bagnall, Dustin, et al, "Mobility Air Force and Agile Combat Employment: Recommendations on Unit Type Codes, Multi-Capable Airmen, Sustainment Challenges and Distribution Solutions," SOS AUAR, 2020, 29 pgs.
- Barnum, Lt. Col. Marjorie, "Recommendations: Force Support Contingency Operations in a Contested Environment," AWC Strategic Studies Paper, 2024, 27 pgs. Winner of the AWC Lt. Gen. John Nowak Logistics Award
- Barry, Capt. Zachary et al, "MAF Support to the Integrated Combat Team," SOS AUAR (MAF Operations in Contested Environments), 2021, 13 pgs.
- Beto, Capt. Christopher, "Directed Output of Missiles: Manufacturing Ordnances in Remote Locations," SOS AUAR paper, 2020, 6 pgs.
- Black, Col David J., "Thought Piece on Fifth Generation Maintenance" Air Force Fellow paper, 3 pgs.
- Bowers, Adriana M., "ONE STEP AHEAD: A U.S. Focus to Advance Logistics Footprint," GCPME thesis, 2024, 49 pgs.
- Brewer, Maj. Joey C., "Kabul Airlift: First In, Last Out," SAASS Thesis, 2022, 125 pgs.
- Buikema, Lt. Col. Karen, "Blood is the Price of Victory: Preparing the Military Blood Banking Community for Tomorrow's Fight," AWC PSP, 2021, 36 pgs.
- Burton, Lt. Col. Bennet A., "Design-Bid-Build (DBB) versus Design-Build (DB): Which is Better?" AWC PSP, 2021, 30 pgs.
- Cabana, Major Timothy, "Do We Walk-the-Walk on China?" Air Force Fellows Paper, 2022, 3 pgs.
- Canfield, Capt. Michael E., "Contingency Basing for Great Power Competition," SOS AUAR (MAF) paper, 2020, 11 pgs. (Published on Wild Blue Yonder, 5 March 2021)
- Carlson, Captain Nathan and Captain Sean Bryant, "Tech Transition Hurdles of Vertical Pallet Stacker to Improve Agile Combat Employment (ACE)," SOS AUAR, 2023, 8 pgs.
- Chhen, Maj. Dalin, "Optimizing Airlift: Sustaining Agile Combat Employment Airfields in USINDOPACOM," GCPME thesis, 2024, 34 pgs.
- Craven, Maj. Jack P., "USAF Execution of AE, Blood, & Class VIII Sustainment in a Contested INDOPACOM," ACSC elective paper (Logistics and the Use of Military Force), 2023, 18 pgs.
- Crawford, Brian B., "Shaping the Force for Agile Combat Employment," Air Force Fellow, AY2022 (paper completed 2021), 3 pgs.
- Croft, Commander Michael E., "Navy Expeditionary Cargo Handling: Manpower Challenges," GCPME thesis, 2020, 46 pgs.
- Davenport, Capt. Spencer R., "Agile Combat Employment in the Pacific," SOS AUR, 2021, 7 pgs.
- Diamond, Maj. Mary, "Air Force Logistics Mission Command for Great Power Competition," AF Fellows Paper, 2020, 43 pgs.
DiCapua, Lt. Col. Nicholas, "Adaptive Basing and the A-10C Enterprise," AWC Strategic Studies Paper, 2020, 26 pgs.
- Dufour, Col. Karey M., "Medical Support for Combat Operations in a Denied Environment (MS-CODE): Exploring the Art of the Possible Using and Operational Approach," AWC PSP, 2018, 116 pgs.
- Eimers, Capt. James, "Future Use of Autonomous Cargo Drones in the United States Air Force and Department of Defense," SOS AUAR, 2021, 30 pgs.
- Farnham, Lt. Col. Nicole E., "Fallen: Modernization Recommendations for Mass Fatality Operations," AWC paper, 2024, 30 pgs.
- Ford, Capt. Chris, "Bullet Background Paper on Strike Cargo," SOS AUAR BBP and PP Slides, 2023.
- Gager, Maj. Klinton R., "Just Do It...Yourself: Implementing 3D Printing in a Deployed Environment," ACSC paper, 2017, 49 pgs.
- Gee, Lt. Col. Sarah and Luke A. Nicastro, "Defense Primer: Agile Combat Employment (ACE) Concept," AF Fellows research, published by the Congressional Research Service, June 24, 2024.
- Hafner, Lt. Commander Luke M., USN, "Evaluation of Pearl Harbor Necessitates a Much-Needed Boost," eSchool Thesis, 2019, 37 pgs.
- Hall, Capt. Michael J., "Operating Distributed Command and Control and Logistics Networks with Agile Combat Employment (ACE)," SOS AUAR Paper, 2021, 13 pgs.
- Haley, Jaylan M., "USAF Mobility in Disaster Diplomacy: An Inquiry into Disaster Relief Operations Impacts on Interstate Relations (1992-2018)," SAASS Thesis, 2020, 115 pgs.
- Jacobs, Capt. Matthew C., "Evaluating Civil Engineer Force Presentation Models for Agile Combat Employment," SOS AUAR (MAF), 2021, 21 pgs.
- Johnson, Capt. Taylor R. "Emerging Tanker Roles and Risks in the Advanced Battle Management Systems Era," SOS AUAR, 2020, 13 pgs. (Published on Wild Blue Yonder, 11 June 2021)
- Kamps, Thomas F., "Keeping the ARC Tactical Airlift Capability Relevant," GCPME (ACSC), 2021, 46 pgs.
- Kenkel, Matthew, "Logistical Constraints in the South China Sea," AWC elective paper, 2020, 8 pgs.
- King, Lt Col. Richard R. "Contingency Response Airfield Operations: Ensuring Seamless Airbase Operations in the CENTCOM Area of Responsibility," AWC PSP, 2020, 41 pgs.
- Koehn, Capt. Lauren, "Prolonged Field Medical Care in Denied Environments," SOS AUAR paper, 2020, 6 pgs.
- Krakie, Capt. Cathryn E., "Re-Vamping and Addressing Concerns of the Air Force's Joint Inspection Program," SOS AUAR paper, 2020, 6 pgs.
- Leatherman, Captain J., "Key Logistical and Infrastructure Challenges in Support of the Defense of Taiwan," SOS AUAR elective paper, 2021, 7 pgs.
- LeMay Center Wargaming Directorate, "MS-CODE After-Action Report for AF/SG3/5" 2017, 116 pgs.
- Lytton, Maj Travis, "The Evolution of Adaptive Basing as a Future Warfighting Tactic," ACSC elective paper (Logistics), 2019, 13 pgs.
- McGehee, Capt. Brock, "Optimizing the F-15EX for Agile Combat Employment: A Framework for Maximizing the Expeditionary Capacity and Strategic Effect of an Upcoming Fourth-Generation Fighter in Future Conflict," SOS AUAR paper, 2020, 10 pgs.
- Montoro, Lt. Col. Joseph G., "Swift Sustainment is Key to Effective Logistics," AWC Strategic Studies Paper, 2024, 28 pgs. Winner of the AWC Senior Leadership Innovation Award
- Nigolian, Lt. Col. Daniel, "Augmented Reality Powering Agile Combat Employment Airmen of Tomorrow," AWC PSP, 2020, 26 pgs.
- Olguin, Capt. Amanda M., "Command and Control Evolution in Response to Distributed Airlift Operations within Contested Environments," SOS AUAR 2021, 11 pgs.
- Padgett, Nathan E., "In Search of a Good Host: A Study of Airborne Aircraft-Carriers," SAASS Thesis, 2020, 162 pgs.
- Schooler, Col. Terrance L., "What Happened to the Last Tactical Mile?" AWC Strategic Studies paper, 2020, 27 pgs.
- Shaw, David R., "Additive Manufacturing in Veterans Affairs," AWC Strategic Studies paper, 2018, 27 pgs.
- Smith, Maj. Michael D., "Dynamic Force Employment in the Indo-Pacific: Making a Case for Air Force Special Tactics," Air Force Fellows paper, 2021, 69 pgs.
- Smith, Stephen D., "Getting on Board with Operational Contract Support," AWC Strategic Studies paper, 2017, 27 pgs.
- Struck, Maj. Jared, "Revolutionizing Logistics: The Race for Additive Manufacturing Supremacy," ACSC OLMP thesis, 2019, 18 pgs. Prize Winner: SOLE - The International Society of Logistics Award for Logistics Excellence (ACSC)
- Taylor, John, "Bullet Background Paper on Rapid Aerial Delivery of Ground Based Air Defense," SOS AUAR, 2023, 3 pgs.
- Trujillo, Lt. Col. Maureen A., "Defense Primer: Department of Defense Prepositioned Material," CRS Report, AFF paper, 2022 2 pgs.
- Vernon, Col. Caryn, "Critical Care on the Battlefield in 2035," AWC PSP, 2020, 34 pgs.
- Walsh, Lt Col. Sean, USAF, "Enhancing Fuel Support to Expeditionary Advanced Base Operations through Autonomous Unmanned Technologies," AWC PSP, 2020, 32 pgs. Prize Winner: General P.X. Kelly USMC Writing Award (AWC)
- Whitehead, Lt. Col. Douglas, USAF, "Agile Combat Support: Adaptive Basing and Resilient Command and Control," AWC PSP, 2020, 31 pgs. Prize Winner: Lt. Gen. John Nowak Award for Logistics (AWC)
- Wimer, Lt. Col. Jeremy D., "Towards Certification of Additively Manufactured Safety-Critical Parts for the Department of the Air Force," AF Fellows Paper, 2020, 50 pgs.