Sino-Russian Security Cooperation & Competition
TOPIC SPONSOR: EUCOM - Russia Strategic Initiative
What are the opportunities and challenges surrounding Sino-Russian cooperation? How are Russia & China competing? How does this affect their military alignment, particularly in the Arctic and with Central Asian states?
- Abravanel, Maj. Ran, "The Three-Dimensional Conflict: Understanding Russia's International Alignments," ACSC elective paper (The Russian Mind), 2023, 12 pgs.
- Cabrera, Lt. Col. Steven, "Chinese Military, Airpower and Implications," AWC elective paper, 2020, 9 pgs.
- Engstrom, Maj. Shera, "The Chinese-Russian Military Relationship: An Enduring Alliance of a Fair-Weather Friendship?" GCPME thesis, 2023, 46 pgs.
- Ford, Justin G., "The Big '3' Shapeshifters: Examining a Russia-China-North Korea Cooperation," GCPME paper, 2024, 40 pgs.
- Harper, Col. Reginald, "Sino-Russian Relations Outlook," AWC elective paper, 2020, 10 pgs.
- Houk, Ethan, "Humiliation, Pride and Envy: Chinese and Russian Historical Motives for Twenty-First Century Competition," SOS AUAR/ISR paper, 2022, 17 pgs.
- Rowland, Lt. Col. Daniel T., "Chinese Security Cooperation Activities: Trends and Implications for US Policy," ACSC paper, 2021.
- Taylor, Jeremy W., "China and Russia: Strategic Partnership or Secret Alliance?" Air War College Strategic Studies Paper, 2020, 30 pgs.
- Turner, Mark A., "China's War in Ukraine: The Sino-Russian Partnership and Great Power Competition," Russia RTF paper, 2023, 25 pgs.