With the separation from the Air Force, the Space Force needs to establish its own identity and culture as a separate service branch. What factors and actions do we need to consider in order to allow the cultivation of a strong Space Force culture? (2 ROPS) Given the fact that the USSF will eventually be comprised of USAF, USA, and USN Space Professionals, what are some ways that the USSF should begin to socialize, normalize, and establish a unified USSF culture/vernacular/common ground, etc.? (Museum Staff) How does a new organization create its identity and culture over time? How can the USSF create its own unique identity and culture now and when the other branches are incorporated? (50 OSS) What are the impacts of Legacy Thinking by USAF organizations on the successful standup of the HQ USSF? (HQ USSF/SED)
- Faustman, Maj. Josh, "Establishing a Space Force Culture: Lessons on Artifacts and Organizational Identity," ACSC Schriever Space Scholars paper, 2020, 54 pgs.
- Goodman, Maj. Brian, "I'm in the Space Force. Please Stop Asking Me about UFOs," AF Fellows research, published in The Hill, August 22, 2023.
- Hodge, Rebecca, "Communicating the Space Ecosystem: The Next Frontier," AWC Research Paper, 2024, 8 pgs.
- Jodice, Maj. Laurel, "Public Opinion and the Development of a Spaceminded America," SAASS Thesis, 2021, 80 pgs.
- King, Col. Matthew T., "Value Negotiation and Outer Space Cultural Property: A 'Space Vehicle' for Conflict Transformation?" AWC elective paper, 2021, 22 pgs.
- Lohmeier, Maj. Matthew L., "The Better Mind of Space," ACSC paper, 2019.
- Lynch, Lt. Col. Aaron D., "Analogical Reasoning in Orbital Warfare," SAASS Thesis, 2020, 88 pgs.
- Skilling, Maj. Ryan, "Semper Fi to Semper Supra: Lessons for the USSF on Organizational Efficiency and Effectiveness from 246 Years of USMC History," SAASS thesis, 2022, 106 pgs.
- Slaughter, Lt. Col. Bryony, "The Wrath of Khong: Science Fiction, Future Analogies, and Early Military Space Policy," SAASS Thesis, 2020, 110 pgs.