Chinese Aerospace Force Modernization - Space Operations
TOPIC SPONSOR: China Aerospace Studies Institute
How have changes within the PLA aerospace forces' DOTMLPFP contributed to their effectiveness in this mission/activity?
- Bogue, Lt. Col., "U.S.-China Space Competition & The Possibility of Cooperation," AWC West Space Seminar Paper, 2023, 33 pgs.
- Carlson, Joshua, "Sentinels of the Silent Sea: American and Chinese Competition in Space 2020-2050," ACSC paper, 2020, 40 pgs.
- Cassidy, LtCol Michael R., "Space Electronic Warfare: Role of the United States Space Force in Integrated Deterrence," AWC Strategic Studies paper, 2022, 34 pgs.
- Crowell, Maj. Corey, "China Winning the Race for Responsive Space Launch," Air Force Fellows Op-Ed, 2023, 4 pgs.
- Crowell, Maj. Corey and Sam Bresnick, "Defending the Ultimate High Ground: China's Progress Towards Space Resilience and Responsive Launch," Air Force Fellows paper (Center for Security and Emerging Technology, Georgetown University), 2023, 44 pgs.
- Jones, Capt. Michael, "Gray Zone Conflict in Space: A South China Sea Case Study," SOS AUAR (Ideas and Weapons), 2020, 11 pgs.
Ray, Maj. William C., "Islands on the Moon and in the South China Sea: China's Vision of Commercial Space," GCPME paper, 2021, 34 pgs.
​Sasaki, Fumiko, "A Risk-Benefit Analysis of China's Belt and Road Initiative Spatial Information Corridor: Implications for Chinese Global Expansion and US Strategy," published as an AU Press Kenney Paper on Indo-Pacific Security Studies, 2022, 114 pgs.
- Thorp, Isaac, "Countering Chinese Space Aggression with a Cooperative Security Strategy," Space Horizons Paper, ACSC, 2020, 22 pgs.