China's Soft Power/Economic Power Approaches
Topic Sponsor: China Aerospace Studies Institute (CASI)
Analysis of China's use of soft power, particularly its use of economic power.
- Abramowicz, Jared, "China, the U.S.' Pacing Challenge or the New World's Superpower?" AF Fellows paper, 2024, 2 pgs.
- Adamson, Maj. Scott, D., "Congress and the War Powers: A Review of Post 9/11 Military Action in Africa," Air Force Fellows paper, 2021, 23 pgs.
- Ahern, John J., "China 2100: Hegemonic Goals and the Current World Order," AWC PSP, 2022, 63 pgs.
- Akintunde, Gp Capt. Ewejide, "The Great Power Competition between the United States and China: Implications for Nigeria's On-Going War on Terrorism," AWC PSP, 2020, 38 pgs.
- Allen, Maj. David, "Countering China's Rare Earth Resource Grab in Africa," eSchool thesis, 2020, 50 pgs.
- Arrington, Gabe, "China and the Digital Silk Road," Air Force Fellows Paper, 2022, 2 pgs.
- Arrington, Gabe, "America Needs A Global Approach to Maritime and Telecommunications Strategies," Air Force Fellows Paper, 2022, 2 pgs.
- Asisian, Njdeh, "Iran, China and the Future World Order: Unipolarity or Multipolarity?" published as an AU Press Kenney Paper on Indo-Pacific Security Studies, 2022, 48 pgs.
- Ayala, Maj. Alexis R., "Relying on China's Rare Earths Supply Can be Dangerous for the U.S.," GCPME thesis, 2023, 37 pgs.
- Barber, Gregory, "Unmet Expectations: China-Pakistan Economic Corridor and the Limits of Chinese Strategic Investment," AWC PSP, 2021, 35 pgs.
- Barnes II, Maj. David J., "Weaponized Economics: A Military Evaluation of Chinese Power Projection," GCPME ACSC thesis, 2022, 164 pgs.
- Bearden, LTC Steven R., "Overseas Chinese Populations: The People's Republic of China's Social Leverage in Africa," AWC PSP, 2022, 34 pgs.
- Burgi, LCDR Gabriel, "As Great Power Competition Rages On, Cultural Heritage is at Risk," ACSC elective paper, 2019, 5 pgs.
- Burgi, LCDR Gabriel, "The New Scramble for Africa: Neocolonialism or Honest Development?," AWC elective paper, 2020, 13 pgs.
- Burgi, LCDR Gabriel, "Using Culture as a Weapon: An Examination of China's Claims in the South China Sea," AWC elective paper, 2019, 11 pgs.
- Carson, Lt. Col. Keith, "White Paper on Chinese Economic and Military Coercion," AWC elective paper, 2023, 10 pgs.
- Carter, George, "Cooperation Contagion: How Collaboration with China in the Battle against COVID-19 in East Africa Can Benefit US Foreign Policy," AWC PSP, 2020, 34 pgs.
- Cline, Maj. Bradley P., "Chinese Expansion: How the Chinese Intend to Use Afghanistan to Win Great Power Competition," GCPME thesis, 2022, 36 pgs.
- Cox, Maj. Christopher, "Military Acquisitions in a World with Rising Chinese Control," AF Fellows Paper, 2020, 63 pgs.
- Diaz, Lt. Col. Leria, "China in the Americas: Undermining Sovereignty through IUU Fishing in the High Seas," AWC PSP, 2021, 25 pgs.
- Frost, Maj. Ryan S., "Collision Course with China: Considerations for Policymakers in the Western Hemisphere," Air Force Fellows paper, 2021, 45 pgs.
- Gendron, Col. Jonathan, "The Race to Stabilize Southeast Asia," AWC Regional Security Studies Paper, 2024, 7 pgs.
- Grabowski, Lt. Col. Doug, "Vietnam Security Challenges: South China Sea and Covid-19 Economic and Cultural Factors," Regional Security Studies Paper, 2022, 6 pgs.
- Hall, Byron S., "Understanding the US-PRC Dyad: A Regional Perspective," SAASS thesis, 2020, 124 pgs.
- Haque, Capt. Ariful, "Accelerate Change or Lose Bangladesh," SOS AUAR (ISR) paper, 2022, 15 pgs.
- Hasson, Lt. Col. Kathleen, "The Chinese Communist Party's Insidious Infiltration," AWC PSP, 2021, 26 pgs.
- Hignite, Lt. Col. Greg, "Sustaining Relevance--Public Affairs and Information Operations in an Era of Great Power Competition," AWC PSP, 2020, 48 pgs.
- Hofferman, Maj. Nathan R., "India: A Stabilizing Partner to Ensure a Free and Open Indo-Pacific," Air Force Fellows paper, 2021, 25 pgs.
- Holland, Gary, "Slowing China's Competitive Advance with Strategic Messaging," Air War College PSP, 2021, 38 pgs.
- Kitzke, Lt. Col. Nathan, "Maritime Security in the Indian Ocean," RSS Paper, AWC 2023, 9 pgs.
- Kostrubala, Col. Kaz, "China-Taiwan Reunification and Impacts to the Asia-Pacific Region," AWC Regional Security Studies Paper, 2024, 9 pgs.
- Lisenbee II, Lt. Col. Caleb, "LinkedIn Espionage: Foreign Adversaries Recruiting Current & Former DOD Members under the Guise of Consulting on LinkedIn," AWC Strategic Studies Paper, 2024, 37 pgs. Winner of the AWC Intelligence Community Award
- Martin, Maj. Morgan A. and Maj. Clinton J. Williamson, "Mapping Chinese Influence in Hollywood," published as an AU Press Kenney Paper in Indo-Pacific Security Studies, 2023, 101 pgs.
- Martinez, Col. Eloy, "Australia's Balancing Act: Navigating China's Influence in the Indo-Pacific Region," AWC Regional Security Studies Paper, 2024, 7 pgs.
- Matthys, Maj. Shawna, "China's Hidden Talent: The Thousand Talent Plan," ACSC elective paper, 2022, 10 pgs.
- Mobley, Terry, "The Belt and Road Initiative: Insights from China's Backyard," AWC PSP, 2019, 33 pgs.
- Moore, Lt. Col. Tytonia S., "The Paradox of the China Threat," AWC Strategic Studies paper, 2019, 26 pgs.
- Natalini, Major Amy, Major Gabe Burgi, Major Fatima Songare and Major B.H. Somda, "Human Security and Great Power Competition in Africa: Balancing the Future Needs of USAFRICOM," ACSC Elective Paper, 2020, 27 pgs. ACSC Commandant's Research Excellence Award, ACSC International Security Studies Award.
- Norris, Lt. Col. Victor, "Countering Unrestricted Warfare: Preparing to Compete against China's Actual Strategy," AWC PSP, 2020, 37 pgs. Prize Winner: Douhet-Mitchell International Airpower Trophy
- Olagbemiro, Lt. Col. Albert, "The Utility of Cryptocurrency as a Geo-Economic Tool in Pursuit of U.S. National Interests," AWC Strategic Studies Paper (Grand Strategy Seminar), 2020, 26 pgs.
- Onstad, Katherine, "Performing Panda: Chinese Economic Coercion in the Era of Xi Jinping," SAASS Thesis, 2023, 116 pgs.
- Peacock, Col. Robert, "China's Three Warfares: Breaking Ideological Boundaries," AWC Strategic Studies Paper, 2019, 30 pgs.
- Peel, Lt. Col. Kevin, "US-Indonesia Relationship," AWC Regional Security Studies Paper, 2024, 7 pgs.
- Rajosefa, Maj Laura, French Air Force, "The Future of Strategic Competition in the Sahel Region: Placing Partnership First," ACSC elective paper, 2022, 51 pgs.
Reynolds, Rachel L., "Leapfrogs and Shortcuts: Paths to Technological Performance on US and Chinese Strategic Evolutionary Landscapes," SAASS thesis, 2020, 101 pgs.
- Rivera, Lt. Col. Delbert, "China's Influence in Samoa," AWC paper, 2020, 26 pgs.
- Rowland, Lt. Col. Daniel T., "Chinese Security Cooperation Activities: Trends and Implications for US Policy," ACSC paper, 2021.
- Sasaki, Fumiko, "A Risk-Benefit Analysis of China's Belt and Road Initiative Spatial Information Corridor: Implications for Chinese Global Expansion and US Strategy," published as an AU Press Kenney Paper on Indo-Pacific Security Studies, 2022, 114 pgs.
- Smith, Major Michael D., "Dynamic Force Employment in the Indo-Pacific: Making a Case for Air Force Special Tactics," Air Force Fellows paper, 2021, 69 pgs.
- Somers, Col. Paul, "The Fight for Territorial Legitimacy within the South China Sea--How China's Militarization Could Shape the Future of the Region," Air Force Fellows paper, 2021, 28 pgs.
- Stevens, Maj. Philip J., "Reshaping Global Dynamics: US Strategies in Response to China's Military Build-Up in Eastern Africa," GCPME paper, 2024, 37 pgs.
- Sutton, Maj. Edward I., "A Case for US-China Cooperative Security to Regain Stability in the Wake of Coronavirus," ACSC elective paper, 2020, 14 pgs.
- Swigart, CDR John, "China's Influence in the Philippines," AWC RSS Paper, 2023, 7 pgs.
- Wentink, Mark A., "DPRK Economy and Regime Stability," AWC PSP, 2021, 54 pgs.
- Werner, Major Tiffany, "China's Demographic Disaster: Risk and Opportunity," ACSC elective paper, 2020, 17 pgs.
- Wetherell, Major David, "State and Capital Allocations in China as Strategic Intelligence," ACSC paper, 2022, 24 pgs.
- Yoakley, Lt. Col. William D., "Beneath the Surface: China's Subtle, Tightening Grip on Filipino Affairs," AWC RSS Paper, 2023, 8 pgs.