Cyber Threat-Based Mission Assurance as a Service
End-to-end cyber surety from penetration testing, fixing discovered vulnerabilities, and optimizing defensive cyber operations as one integrated entity and unit of action. What authorities, responsibilities, and resources would need to be realigned and where would that realignment best be suited?
- Anderson, Lt. Col Steven, "Air Force, Cyberpower, Targeting: Airpower Lessons for an Air Force Cyberpower Targeting Theory," SAASS thesis, 2013, 162 pgs.
- Welcome, Erick O. Lt Col (USAF) "Air Force Mission Defense Teams: Not Your Grandparents Communications Squadron" 2019 AWC PSP, 20 pgs.
- Wittmaack, Capt. Philipp M., "Mission Defense Team Training Gap Analysis," SOS AUAR Paper, 2021, 9 pgs.