In response to the 27 June 2019 SecAF/CSAF memorandum on EMS Superiority, how does the Air Force re-instill a culture of EMS/EW awareness throughout the force? Draw on lessons learned from efforts of other services and, if time and space allow, include recommendations for the Joint Force as well. In what ways should the AF consider electronic spectrum operations a part of the emerging concept of Information Warfare and what is the cyber ops role within the broader set of activities?
- Asbury, Colin, "Bullet Background Paper on EVC Embedded Radar Reflective Signal," SOS AUAR Ideas and Weapons, 2023, 2 pgs.
- Borcuk, Maj. Katie N., "More Than Flights of Fancy: The Critical Need for a United States Pigeon Messenger Service in the Age of Electronic Warfare," GCPME thesis, 2021, 48 pgs.
- Conway, Keith O., "AI/ML and Electronic Warfare," ACSC elective paper, 2023, 13 pgs.
- Dutcher, Capt. Briana, "From Survivability to Superiority: Strengthening Our Electromagnetic Spectrum Presence for Joint All-Domain Operations in Great Power Competition," SOS AUAR, 2020, 11 pgs.
- Fensterseifer, Lt. Col. Matthias, "Influencing the Organizational Culture of the German Cyber and Information Domain Service: A Social Systems View," SAASS Thesis, 2022 141 pgs.
- Kean, Maj. Christopher, "'Jamming Into the Wind': USAF Electromagnetic Warfare and Training Exercise," SAASS Thesis, 2023, 86 pgs.
- Larson, Maj. Matthew J., "Leveraging Naval Airborne Electronic Attack to Develop Air Force Electromagnetic Policy," GCPME thesis, 2022, 48 pgs.
- Locklar, Captain Joseph "Blake," "Autonomous, Collaborative, Flexible, Lethal: A New Paradigm of Airborne Electronic Warfare," SOS AUAR paper, 2021, 17 pgs.
- Meier, Capt. Kurt, "Electromagnetic Spectrum Maneuver Warfare: Applying Maneuver Warfare Theory to Military Communications Systems" SOS AUAUR paper (Ideas and Weapons), July 2021, 7 pgs.
- Mendenhall, Maj. Trevor, "New Kid on the Block: An Analysis of How the Advent of Cyber Has Influenced Electronic Warfare," ACSC Cyber Concentration paper, subsequently published in Wild Blue Yonder (January 18, 2024)
- Merkle, Capt. Thomas Richard, "SATCOM: Lines of Communication or Extended Positions?" AWC, Strategic Studies Paper, 2021, 40 pgs.
- O'Brien IV, Lt. Col. William H., "Electromagnetic Spectrum (EMS) Pervasiveness in Military Strategy and Operations: A Call for Joint Authorities," AWC Strategic Studies Paper, 2019, 27 pgs.
- Salas, Maj. Carri M., "It Hertz, But the Electromagnetic Spectrum (EMS) is the Warfighting Domain," SAASS thesis, 2020, 75 pgs.
- Stuckenberg, Maj. David, et al, "Electromagnetic Defense Task Force (EDTF) 2.0," Published as an AU Press LeMay Paper, 2019, 118 pgs.
- Stuckenberg, Maj. David, et al, "Electromagnetic Defense Task Force," Published as an AU Press LeMay Paper, 2018, 71 pgs.
- Weiss, Maj. J. Hunter, "Russian A2/AD Battlefield Lessons Learned and AFSPECWAR's Tactical Solution to a Strategic Problem," ACSC Cyber Specialization Track paper, 2023, 13 pgs.
- West, Major Timothy, "More Than Paying Lip Service: Three Keys to Solving the USAF EW Culture Problems," AFF short paper, 2022, 3 pgs.
- ​Worrell, Lt. Col. Ryan, "EW and Cyber Convergence: Beyond Information Warfare," AF Fellows Paper, 2020, 31 pgs.