The DoD through GHE builds partnerships with other nations to strengthen security cooperation and partner capacity through health-related activities and exchanges. Air Force Medical Services GHE efforts strive to promote: -Force Readiness: GHE improves the capacity and capability of the United States and partner nations, enabling our military to deploy fully capable with the fewest resources necessary. -Interoperability: GHE w/Integrated Health Services improve interoperability w/partner nations, ensuring mutual benefit from partnerships during contingency operations. -Proactive Stability: Maintains preparedness, resilience, and confidence in partner nations' governance. -Gateway to Cooperation: through GHEs, the DoD can build trust while gaining and maintaining access to strategic areas of interest.
- Almand, Lt. Col. Erin A., "To Immunity and Beyond: The Evolving Relationship between the US Military, Vaccine Development and Pandemic Response," SAASS thesis, 2024, 140 pgs.
- Bostic, Major Andrew, "Indo-Pacific Basing: Leveraging Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief to Preserve and Generate Basing Opportunities," ACSC member of Indo-Pacific Basing RTF, 2022, 23 pgs.
- Carter, George, "Cooperation Contagion: How Collaboration with China in the Battle against COVID-19 in East Africa Can Benefit US Foreign Policy," AWC PSP, 2020, 34 pgs.
- de Herrera, Lisa Swenarski, "U.S. Global Health Diplomacy: Is It Working in South Africa?" AWC Strategic Studies paper, 2019, 25 pgs.
- Dodobara-Griffith, Major Lisa, "Need for Change: Global Health Engagement," Air Force Fellows, AY22, 3 pgs.
- Galli, Col. Justin, "Neighbors Helping Neighbors through the Nevada National Guard Pandemic Response," Air Force Fellows paper, 2022, 3 pgs.
- Garfield, Maj. Courtney, "The Occupied Palestinian Territories: Unprepared for the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic," ACSC elective paper (Arab-Israeli Conflict), 2020, 16 pgs.
- Haley, Jaylan M., "USAF Mobility in Disaster Diplomacy: An Inquiry into Disaster Relief Operations Impacts on Interstate Relations (1992-2018)," SAASS Thesis, 2020, 115 pgs.
- Lete, Maj. Cynthia, "Humanitarian Assistance/Disaster Relief and Strategic Competition," ACSC elective paper, 2023, 9 pgs.
- Liggett, Col. Jason, "A Classic Approach to Enhancing Relationships and Communications for the Army in Disaster Operations," AWC Strategic Studies Paper, 2019, 31 pgs.
- Payne, LTC Dominic A., "Southern Africa and COVID," AWC Regional Security Studies paper, 2022, 4 pgs.
- Stefan-Dogar, Dragos, "Ebola in Peace Operations: Democratic Republic of the Congo & Liberia," AWC elective paper (Peace and Stability Operations), 2019, 15 pgs.
- Platow, Maj. Scott, "Infectious Disease in Weak States: Kenya's Fight with HIV and AIDS," ACSC elective paper, 2020, 11 pgs.
- Sutton, Maj. Edward J., "The Chinese Dream Has Awakened to a Global Nightmare: A Case for US-China Cooperative Security to Regain Stability in the Wake of Coronavirus," ACSC elective paper (Asia Rebalance), 2020, 14 pgs.
- Tucker, Lt. Col. Paul A., "Give 'Grey Tail Diplomacy' a Chance," AF Fellows paper (Fletcher School, Tufts University), 2024, 2 pgs.
- Williams Jr., Maj. Donald, "Natural Disasters and National Security: Review and Recommendations," AF Fellows Paper, 2020, 20 pgs.