Improving Integrations with U.S. Allies and Partners
Why should/shouldn’t the United States Air Force devote effort and resources to improving integrations with its allies and partners?
- Conlon, Col. Jennie E., "The Cobbled Road to Equipping US Allies: A Look at Rotary Wing Acquisition in the Indo-Pacific," AWC Strategic Studies Paper, 2024, 30 pgs. Winner of the AWC Maj. Gen. Edward G. Lansdale International Affairs Award
- Garcia, Josue, "Air Force Language Utilization," SOS AUAR paper, 2020, 6 pgs.
- Hoagland, Lt. Col. Cody, "Regional Officers: The Keystone to Global Integrated Operations," AWC Strategic Studies Paper, 2020, 39 pgs.
- Holston, Joel S., "Building the Neighborhood Watch: Partnered Integration of Airborne ISR for Indo-Pacific Competition," OLMP thesis, 2024, 39 pgs.
- Kim, Lt. Col. Daniel, "Building Partner Capacity in Cyberspace to Enhance Deterrence," SAASS Thesis, 2021, 68 pgs.
- Kind, Lt. Col. Richard, "Neglecting Our Asymmetric Advantage Over China: USAF's Role in Shaping Allies and Partners," AWC Strategic Studies Paper, 2022, 23 pgs.
- McBrayer, Lt. Col. Brandon, "Organizing F-16 Squadrons to Maximize Readiness, Leadership Development and Alliances," AWC strategic Studies paper, 2020, 26 pgs.
- Poindexter, Col. Eugene, "US Military Leadership and Support of AMISOM: Are We Successful?" AWC Strategic Studies Paper, 2019, 29 pgs.
- Rummel, Maj. Joshua A., "'STRIKES ALL OVER PACIFIC!': ACE Risks Greater Destruction Throughout the Indo-Pacific," AF Fellows Paper, 2024, 2 pgs.
- Scott, Brenda, "Using the Power of Cultural and Language Training to Meet U.S. Vital Interests," AWC Strategic Studies Paper, 2021, 33 pgs.
- Tucker, Lt. Col. Paul A., "Give 'Grey Tail Diplomacy' a Chance," AF Fellows paper (Fletcher School, Tufts University), 2024, 2 pgs.
- Trimble, Maj. Michael M., "Asymmetric Advantage: Air Advising in a Time of Strategic Competition," Published as an AU Press LeMay Paper, 2019, 131 pgs.
- Youngquist, Lt. Col. Benjamin D., "Relooking at America's Treaty and Alliance Structure in the Indo-Pacific," AWC PSP, 2021, 35 pgs.